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"Ou, sir, the bairn aye held an unca wark wi' the supervisor, and it was generally thought he went on board the vessel with him." "No, no; you're clean out there, Luckie! The young laird was stown awa' by a randy gipsy woman they ca'd Meg Merrilies," said the deacon.

'Yonder Clouden's silent towers, Where at moonshine midnight hours, O'er the dewy bending flowers, Fairies dance sae cheery. 'Ghaist nor bogle shalt thou fear; Thou 'rt to Love and Heaven sae dear, Nocht of ill may come thee near, My bonnie Dearie. Fair and lovely as thou art, Thou hast stown my very heart; I can die but canna part, My bonnie Dearie.

Stown away!" she knew that, when the hooter sounded at half-past five, it would summon him, not to work, but to a day with the hounds. He would return home between four and five, mud-stained from head to foot, triumphant at heart, but with an amusingly cowed expression on his face, as of a dog that expects a whipping.

'No, no, said the Deacon, 'ye're clean out there, Luckie; for the young Laird was stown away by a randy gipsy woman they ca'd Meg Merrilies I mind her looks weel in revenge for Ellangowan having gar'd her be drumm'd through Kippletringan for stealing a silver spoon. 'If ye'llforgieme, Deacon, said the precentor, 'ye're e'en as far wrang as the gudewife.

'No, no, said the Deacon, 'ye're clean out there, Luckie; for the young Laird was stown away by a randy gipsy woman they ca'd Meg Merrilies I mind her looks weel in revenge for Ellangowan having gar'd her be drumm'd through Kippletringan for stealing a silver spoon. 'If ye'll forgieme, Deacon, said the precentor, 'ye're e'en as far wrang as the gudewife.

"No, no," said the Deacon, "ye're clean out there, Luckie for the young Laird was stown away by a randy gipsy woman they ca'd Meg Merrilies, I mind her looks weel, in revenge for Ellangowan having gar'd her be drumm'd through Kippletringan for stealing a silver spoon." "If ye'll forgie me, Deacon," said the precentor, "ye're e'en as far wrang as the gudewife."

"There may be waur things nor a bit lee. Whan they hear that at that time ye gae birth till a lad bairn, the whilk was stown awa', an' never hard tell o' till noo 'It may weel be, fowk'll say: 'them 'at has drunk wad drink again! It wad affoord rizzons, ye see, an' guid anes, for the bairn bein' putten oot a' sicht, and wad mak the haul story mair nor likly i' the jeedgment o' a' 'at hard it."

But I maun e'en be riding back to put a question or so to the man that has stown awa' my bit ewe-lamb and put her in fold by the Water of Ae." At that moment Amelia came in with a triumphant smile. "It's a laddie from the post, and he winna gie up the letter unless you pay him sevenpence for postage dues and a penny for himself!" "There's the sevenpence, and clash the door in his face!" I cried.

"'O mony a time, my lord, he said, 'I've stown the horse frae the sleeping loon; But for you I'll steal a beast as braid, For I'll steal Lord Durie frae Edinboro toon."

'They winna brak the bargain, cried Shargar, beginning almost to whimper, for a savoury smell of dinner was coming across the yard. 'Tell them it's stown siller, and they'll be in het watter aboot it gin they dinna gie ye 't back. 'I maun hae my denner first, remonstrated Shargar. But the spirit of his grandmother was strong in Robert, and in a matter of rectitude there must be no temporizing.