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I ken 'at I 'm but tellin' ye the trouth whan I tell ye 'at Grizel Cam'ell, up to that day, an' that 's little ower sax month sin' syne." "Good God!" cried the marquis; "and here have I Woman! are you speaking the truth? If ," he added threateningly, and paused. "Leein' 's what I never cud bide, my lord, an' I 'm no likly to tak till 't at my age, wi' the lang to come afore me."

I daurna say I'll never do the like again, but I'm no sae likly to transgress a second time as the first. Lord, keep the doors o' my lips, that ill-faured words comena thouchtless oot, and shame me and them that hear me! I maun gang and see aboot yer denner, sir! I s' no be lang." "Yer gracious words, mem, are mair nor meat and drink to me.

"There may be waur things nor a bit lee. Whan they hear that at that time ye gae birth till a lad bairn, the whilk was stown awa', an' never hard tell o' till noo 'It may weel be, fowk'll say: 'them 'at has drunk wad drink again! It wad affoord rizzons, ye see, an' guid anes, for the bairn bein' putten oot a' sicht, and wad mak the haul story mair nor likly i' the jeedgment o' a' 'at hard it."

It maitters na to me whilk side o' my teeth I chow wi'. But I winna sweir till I ken the trowth 'at I may haud off o' 't. He's the man, though, gien we can get a grip o' 'im! He luiks the richt thing, ye see, mem. "Insolent wretch!" "Caw canny, mem 'thing maun be considered. It wad but gar the thing luik, the mair likly. "It's a wicked lie," burst with indignation from the other.

I hae lickit ye afore for bein' ill till her; and I will again gin ye gang a step nearer till her. She doesna want ye. Faith I will! But I wad raither no fecht afore her. Sae jist come back to the toon wi' me, and we'll say nae mair aboot it." "I'll see you damned!" said Bruce. "Maybe ye may, bein' likly to arrive at the spot first.

Do you see, sir? concluded Robert significantly. 'No, I don't, answered the doctor. 'They say he's a son o' the auld Markis's, that's it. His mither's a randy wife 'at gangs aboot the country a gipsy they say. There's nae doobt aboot her. An' by a' accoonts the father's likly eneuch. 'And how on earth did you come to have such a questionable companion?

"That's no vera likly," answered Maggie with a smile, as she stood in the doorway, in the wakeful night of the northern summer: "it's ane o' the Lord's ain lammies 'at he cam to the hills to seek. He's fund this ane!" "Weel, weel, my bonnie doo, it sanna be for me to contradick ye! But wae's upo' me for a menseless auld wife! come in; come in: the mair welcome 'at ye're lang expeckit!

As he passed through the kitchen, his wife followed him to the door. "I'm no likly to forget!" he answered; "but there's nae hurry, seem there's no life concernt!" "Na, nane; the mair's the pity!" she answered; and Peter knew, with a glad relief, that his wife was coming to herself from the terrible blow. She sent the cowboy to the Cormacks' cottage, to tell Eppie to come to her.

He, like his Steenie, believed in the bonny man about in the world, not in the mere image of him standing in the precious shrine of the New Testament. After a brief silence 'Whaur's Kirsty and Steenie? he said. 'The Lord kens; I dinna. 'They'll be safe eneuch. 'It's no likly. 'It's sartin, said David.

"Well," he said, "close up that active brain of yours for the night, Bab, and here are to `don'ts' to sleep on. Don't break your neck in in any way. You're a reckless young Lady. And don't elope with the first moony young idiot who wants to hold your hand. There will quite likly be others." Others! How heartless! How cynical!