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"I'm no leein'," answered she, bursting into tears of indignation. "Wha said 'at I took them?" "That's naething to the pint. Ye wadna greit that gait gin ye war innocent. I never missed onything afore. And ye ken weel eneuch there's an ee that sees a' thing, and ye canna hide frae hit."

"Wull Wallace!" he gasped in a hoarse whisper, as he sprang forward and laid violent hands on his old friend. "Losh, man! are my een leein'? is't possable? Can this be you?" "Yes, thank God, it is indeed " He stopped short, for Andrew, albeit unaccustomed, like most of his countrymen, to give way to ebullitions of strong feeling, threw his long arms around his friend and fairly hugged him.

"I see ye ken what it's aboot," he went on, staring her full in the pale face, which grew paler as he stared. "Ye canna luik me i' the face. Whaur's the candy-sugar an' the prunes? I ken weel eneuch whaur they are, and sae do ye." "I ken naething aboot them," answered Annie, with a sudden revival of energy. "Dinna lee, Annie. It's ill eneuch to steal, without leein'."

"Do ye remember the names that ye used to gie ane anither?" inquired the man of letters, with a look of importance, which showed that the history of the whole class was forthcoming. "I remember them well," replied the doctor; "there were seven of us: Solitary Sandy Glaikit Willie Venturesome Jamie Cautious Watty Leein' Peter Jock the dunce and myself."

'I kenna what ye're thinking, Phemy! 'What did ye gie him, Kirsty, whan he tauld ye no 'at I believe a word o' 't 'at he wud nane o' me? Kirsty laughed with a scorn none the less clear that it was quiet. 'Jist a guid lickin, she answered. 'Ha, ha! laughed Phemy hysterically. 'I tellt ye ye was leein!

After he had turned a few trowelfuls of soil he spoke exultantly to Dickon in his best Yorkshire. "Tha' said as tha'd have me walkin' about here same as other folk an' tha' said tha'd have me diggin'. I thowt tha' was just leein' to please me. This is only th' first day an' I've walked an' here I am diggin'." Ben Weatherstaff's mouth fell open again when he heard him, but he ended by chuckling.

'There's nae bonnie leddy ony mair. I saw her brunt to death afore my verra ain een. The shoemaker sprang to his feet and caught up his paring knife. 'For God's sake, say 'at yer leein'! he cried. 'I wish I war leein', returned Robert. The soutar uttered a terrible oath, and swore 'I'll murder the auld . The epithet he ended with is too ugly to write.

Then added, eyeing her closely: 'Ye're lookin' sick, lass. Her faint smile accentuated the worn, white look on her face. 'I reckon ye've been frettin' yeself, he continued gently, 'leein' awake o' nights, hev'n't yee, noo? She smiled vaguely. 'Well, but ye see I've coom t' settle t' whole business for ye. Ye thought mabbe that I was na a man o' my word.

'It may be 'at ye're richt, laddie; but ye hae a way o' sayin' things 'at 's some fearsome. 'God's nae like a prood man to tak offence, grannie. There's naething pleases him like the trowth, an' there's naething displeases him like leein', particularly whan it's by way o' uphaudin' him. He wants nae sic uphaudin'. Noo, ye say things aboot him whiles 'at soun's to me fearsome.

"She's at the schule, ye ken, uncle, and we maunna interfere wi' her schoolin. Hoo does that leein' ted, Robert Bruce, carry himsel' to ye, bairn?" "Ow! I jist never min' him," answered Annie. "Weel, it's a' he deserves at your han'. But gin I war you, I wad let him ken that gin he saws your corn ye hae a richt to raither mair nor his gleanins." "I dinna ken what ye mean," answered Annie.