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When I was a laddie at the schule, I was ance tell't that ane o' the loons was i' the wye o' mockin' my gran'father. Whan I hard it, I thocht I cud jist rive the hert o' 'im, an' set my teeth in't, as the Dutch sodger did to the Spainiard. Mem, a face is an awfu' thing!

Wha cud hae been at the schule as I was sae lang, and syne taen oot o' the water, ye ken, and syne�-?" Annie stopped. "Gin ye mean Alec Forbes�-" said Curly, and stopped too. But presently he went on again�-"Gin I war to come atween Alec Forbes and you, hangin' wad be ower gude for me. But has Alec�-" "Na, nae a word. But haud yer tongue. Curly.

Butler, I kend onything that wad mak ye weel, for they hae mair medicines in this town of York than wad cure a' Scotland, and surely some of them wad be gude for your complaints. If ye had a kindly motherly body to nurse ye, and no to let ye waste yoursell wi' reading whilk ye read mair than eneugh wi' the bairns in the schule and to gie ye warm milk in the morning, I wad be mair easy for ye.

When Robert appeared, wondering what his grandmother could want with him, she said: 'Close the door, Robert. I canna lat ye gang to the schule the day. We maun lea' him oot noo. 'Lea' wha oot, grannie? 'Him, him Anerew. Yer father, laddie. I think my hert 'll brak. 'Lea' him oot o' what, grannie? I dinna unnerstan' ye. 'Lea' him oot o' oor prayers, laddie, and I canna bide it.

You are at least on the ramparts of Paradise, in the Thomas Kirche in Leipsic at the weekly Saturday concert of the scholars of the Thomas Schule. The worldliness is melted out of you, as you sit in the cool, quiet church with the sunlight slanting in upon you, and the atmosphere alive with sweet sounds. And this is only one of hundreds of such experiences all over Germany.

"I doobt it'll be warst news to them that it's nae news till." "Ye speyk in riddles, Curly." He tried to laugh but succeeded badly, and stood before her, with downcast eyes, poking his thorn-stick into the mass of pebbles. Annie waited in silence, and that brought it out at last. "Annie, when we war at the schule thegither, I wad hae gien ye onything.

By criffens! it was sair, an' gin I had only had a horse's hair, I'd soon ha'e putten his tawse oot the road." "I got four yesterday too," said another, "an' a' because I was looking at yon new laddie wha cam to the schule yesterday. By! they were sair. I never heard auld Cabbage-heid till he cam up an' telt me to put oot my haun." "It's Peter Rundell's his name," chimed in another.

Domsie now essayed to read the news, but between the shaking of his hands and his voice he could not. "It's nae use," he cried, "he's first in the Humanity oot o' a hundred and seeventy lads, first o' them a', and he's first in the Greek too; the like o' this is hardly known, and it has na been seen in Drumtochty since there was a schule.

But a little comparison will often diminish our surprise and disgust at the aberrations of Jews and other dissidents whose lives do not offer a consistent or lovely pattern of their creed; and this evening Deronda, becoming more conscious that he was falling into unfairness and ridiculous exaggeration, began to use that corrective comparison: he paid his thaler too much, without prejudice to his interests in the Hebrew destiny, or his wish to find the Rabbinische Schule, which he arrived at by sunset, and entered with a good congregation of men.

"It's a shame to take any fee from your father, Jock Howieson, and it's little use trying to give ye any education. Ye've the thickest head and the least sense in all the schule. Man, they should take you home and set ye on eggs to bring out chickens; ye micht manage that wi' care.