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Commandant Hasebroek held the enemy in check whilst we continued our march to a place called Vrouwpan. On the following day we struck the Brak River at a point ten miles south-east of its confluence with the Orange River, to the east of Prieska. It was not fordable, and we had to off-saddle.

"The night is early," said the lieutenant, "but if you have had enough," he said, bowing to LeNoir and Rouleau. "Non!" exclaimed Rouleau, "the fortune will to me encore. We mak it de two-dollar to play. Dat will brak de luck." "I think you ought to stop it," said Harry. But the demon of play had taken full possession of both Rouleau and the lieutenant and they were not to be denied.

An' o' the fourth day, i' the efternoon, I gaed to my wark wi' my heid swimmin' and my hert like to brak for verra glaidness. "But hoo did ye fin' that oot, Thomas?" asked Annie, trembling. "Weel, lassie," answered Thomas, with solemn conviction in every tone, "it's my firm belief that, say what they like, there is, and there can be, but one way o' comin' to the knowledge o' that secret."

For to hear ye rowtin' an' scornin', Is no to hark to the river; An' to sit here till brak trowth's mornin', Wad be to be lost for ever. I confess I have taken a liberty, and changed one word for another in the last line.

And, fourth and last, my brither: I'm no' needing your siller, and I can manage to do fair weel without your conversation." As this bombardment proceeded, the sergeant's jaw dropped. When it was finished he laughed heartily and slapped his knee. "Man, come an' brak bread wi' me or I'll hae to brak yer stiff neck."

"Ye maunna tak Gibbie for a young cowt, Maister Sclater, an' think to brak him in," she said, after a thoughtful pause, "or ye'll hae to learn yer mistak. There's no eneuch o' himsel' in him for ye to get a grip o' 'm by that han'le. He aye kens what he wad hae, an' he'll aye get it, as sure's it'll aye be richt. As anent Donal, Donal's my ain, an' I s' say naething.

'I laidna han' to cheek o' Francie Gordon, Phemy; I jist throosh him wi' his father's ain ridin whup 'at my hert's like to brak to think o' 't. I doobt he'll carry the marks til's grave! Kirsty broke into a convulsion of silent sobs and tears. 'Kirsty Barclay, ye're a deevil! cried Phemy in a hoarse whisper: she was spent with passion.

Gien it gaedna ower weel wi' her i' the auld man's time, it gangs waur wi' her noo; for sae lang as he was abune the yird there was aye somebody to ken whether she was livin' or deid. To see a bonnie lass like her strayin' aboot the place nae better companied nor wi' an auld buik it's jist eneuch to brak a man's hert, but that age kills rage." "Do the neighbours take no notice of her?"

We could march down the Brak River as far as the Orange River, and then proceed along the latter. Between us and the enemy there was then a ridge, extending parallel with the Orange River. Behind this ridge we would be out of the enemy's view. Should they reach this elevation before it was dark, we would be pressed, with fatal consequences to ourselves, against a swollen river.

"Na; there was naething to brak, 'cep it had been your banes, Johnny; an' that wad hae been a peety they're sae guid for rinnin wi'." "You had no right to enter against the will of my gatekeeper," said his lordship. "What is a gatekeeper for?" "I had a richt, my lord, sae lang 's I was upo' my leddy's business." "And what was my lady's business, pray?" questioned the marquis.