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"Is He with you, Mirren dear?" I could not imagine how Flora thought Mirren was to know that. But she answered, with a light in those bright eyes, "Ay, my doo. `His left haun is under my heid, and His richt haun doth embrace me." I sat and listened in wonder. It all sounded so strange. Yet Flora seemed to understand.

"Aye," he answered peacefully, "I thocht He wadna forget the gloamin'. Aye, mair the evenin' than the mornin', I'm thinkin'." His face was radiant now, for the morning light had passed us watchers by, its glory resting on the face that loved to greet it. "Haud ma haun, guid-wife," his voice upborne by the buoyancy of death. "I'm slippin' fast into the licht. I see what they ca' the gates o' deith.

He burns them a wee bit in the fire, an' then st'eeps them in whusky. An' they're awful sair." "Oh, but I ken what to do, Rab, if ye want to diddle him," put in another boy. "Just get a horse's hair a lang yin oot o' its tail and put it across yer haun', an' it'll cut his tawse in twa, whenever he gie's ye a pammy." "That's what I'm gaun to do, Jamie," replied another.

Smith, I dare say?" "No, indeed, mem," says I "I do not." "I'm a cousin o' yours," said she "Margaret Smith, and a dochter o' your uncle William's." "Frae Edinburgh," said I, takin her cordially by the haun, and leadin her into the parlour. "The same," said she smilin again; "and I'm just come doun to spend a day or twa wi' ye, if ye hae room for me, and winna think me owre troublesome."

At a point on Shoal Creek, about sixteen miles from Fat West, a brother by the name of Haun had built a flour mill. Besides the mill there were a blacksmith shop and half a dozen houses. About thirty families lived here, some of which had just arrived from the Eastern States and were yet camping in their tents.

Cuthbert's ring like the wood on an August nicht when the thunder roams it. That ither ane he preach't in a graun city kirk wha soucht to get him, and they cudna an' it was croodit like the barn mou' when harvest's dune, an' I was there masel', an' he kent me an' I'm the man that held his cane in ma haun the time he preach't, I'm tellin' ye."

He handed it to his wife, who took it, turning her wan face to mine. "There's only ane, but it'll dae us a' let Robin haud it. Tak' it, laddie; it's warm frae yir sister's haun'." The wanderer's reverent hand received it, and holy memories, long banished, flowed back into the heart that had not been their home since the golden days of boyhood.

Mysie's jist cam' back, an' she has fented. Gie's a bit haun' wi' her to get her into bed. Puir thing. She's fair done up," and Matthew tried to raise up the prostrate figure of his bairn; but sank back too weak, and too overcome to do anything. "Dinna you trouble yourself, Matthew," said Mrs. Sinclair, gathering the prostrate girl in her arms and raising her up on her knee like a child.

For wee Jessie stood beside the bed, an' I luikit at her an' I said, 'My little dochter. 'Twas a' I could say, an' she pit her saft haun' on my heid sae gentle, an' sae blessed cool, for my heid was burnin' hot. She luikit lang, an' her een was fu' o' love: 'Faither, she said, 'did ye no' promise yir lassie to meet her in the Faither's hoose?

"Who is it, Sam? one of the old bedesmen?" "Nay, Mrs Kezia; puir soul, 'tis just the auld Vicar!" "Mr Digby!" we all cried together. "Ay; my mither found him deid i' his bed early this morrow. She's come up to tell ye, an' to ask gin' ye can spare me to go and gi'e a haun', for that puir witless body, Mr Anthony Parmenter, seems all but daft."