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Updated: August 13, 2024

"Come, Watty, don't be jealous," said Ben; "it's not the glass of lime-juice, but Polly's sympathetic face beaming behind it, that does me so much good. Besides, you know, Polly's a girl, and a girl is always a better nurse than a man; you must admit that." Watty was not at all prepared to admit that, but his being spoken of as a man did much to mollify his hurt feelings.

But here a heavy step descending the stair just outside the room attracted her attention, and checking the flow of her speech perforce, with three ungainly strides she reached the landing. "Watty Witherspail! Watty!" she called after the footsteps down the stair. "Yes, mem," answered a gruff voice from below.

So true was his aim that about six inches of the barrel followed the shot as the bear rushed upon it. This saved Watty, who was violently hurled aside by the stock of his own gun, while the bear went head-over-heels, vomiting blood and rage amid smoke and dust and scattered nuggets of gold! "O Watty!" cried Jack, leaping down to the rescue with his drawn hunting-knife.

Your father told me that, being unwilling to disappoint you in your desires, he had managed to get a situation of some sort for you on board a well-known line of ocean steamers, and he only waited to get the thing fairly settled before letting you know about it. There, you may go for'ed and think what you have lost by running away." Without a word of reply Watty left the cabin.

"I never thought of that," said Bob. "Couldn't we hire a fellow from one of the steamboats?" "I fear that might get us into trouble. You know there are such things as gradients and sections to be prepared. But there's Watty Solder, the gas-fitter, who failed the other day. He's a sort of civil engineer by trade, and will jump at the proposal like a trout at the tail of a May-fly." "Agreed.

There was a bit lauch at this, an' Watty added, "I mean Sandy, of coorse no' the deevil 'at Bandy was speakin' aboot." "I was genna say," said Bandy, "when I was interrupit by the honourable gentleman " "O, gie's a rest," said Watty; an' Bandy had to begin again.

One night I hearn an argument from the fenced-off part of the tent Watty and his wife slept in. She was setting on Watty's chest and he was gasping fur mercy. "You know it ain't true," says Watty, kind of smothered-like. "It is," says she, "you own up it is!" And she give him a jounce. "No, darling," he gets out of him, "you know I never could bear them thin, scrawny kind of women."

And even then it was before he had met his own little woman. And that other woman, he says, was plump too, fur he wouldn't never look at none but a plump woman. "What did she weigh?" asts Watty's wife. He tells her a measly little three hundred pound. "But she wasn't refined like my little woman," says Watty, "and when I seen that I passed her up."

In winter, when the meetings were held regularly every fortnight, a fire of peat, sod, and dross lit up the curious company who sat round the table shaking their heads over Shelley's mysticism, or requiring to be called to order because they would not wait their turn to deny an essayist's assertion, that Berkeley's style was superior to David Hume's. Davit Hume, they said, and Watty Scott.

Jack knocked the man down, and, hauling the boat close alongside, shouted, "Jump, Captain, jump!" The captain did so at the right moment, and alighted safely, though with great violence. Just then Watty Wilkins was seen striving to lift Ben Trench over the bulwark of the ship.

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