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"Trysted with a bogle!" said I; "what do you mean by that, Andrew?" "I said mistrysted," replied Andrew; "that is as muckle as to say, fley'd wi' a ghaist Gude preserve us, I say again!" "Flay'd by a ghost, Andrew! how am I to understand that?"

But what was a thousand times waur than a' that, it had a cannel in its hand that micht weel hae terrified a hale army o' sodgers; and I aye think yet, it had been the deevil himsel, and nae ghaist, for the cannel had just a wee peek o' white low i' the middle, and a' round the edges it burned as blue as a blawort, and bizzed and spitted, and threw out sparks like blue starns.

"I'm neither ghaist nor warlock. Damn ye! gang oot, gin ye be gaun to stick me throu and throu wi' yer een, that gait." "I beg your pardon, Mr Cupples. I didn't mean to be rude," said Alec humbly. "Weel, cut yer stick, I hae eneuch o' ye for ae nicht. I canna stan' glowerin' een, especially i' the heids o' idiots o' innocents like you."

"Guid folks," said I, as calmly as I could, in reply to this strange rhapsody, "will ye be sae kind as tell me what a' this means?" An' first I looked at the dochter, wha was still lyin on the sofa, wi' her face buried wi' fricht in the cushions, and then at the mother, wha was sittin in a chair, starin at me, an' gaspin for breath, but noo evidently satisfied that I was at least nae ghaist.

'Yonder Clouden's silent towers, Where at moonshine midnight hours, O'er the dewy bending flowers, Fairies dance sae cheery. 'Ghaist nor bogle shalt thou fear; Thou 'rt to Love and Heaven sae dear, Nocht of ill may come thee near, My bonnie Dearie. Fair and lovely as thou art, Thou hast stown my very heart; I can die but canna part, My bonnie Dearie.

I hae naething mair upo' my conscience nor I can bide i' the deidest o' the nicht." "Then you think ghosts come of a bad conscience? A kind of moral delirium tremens eh?" "I dinna ken, my lord; but that's the only kin' o' ghaist I wad be fleyed at at least 'at I wad rin frae. I wad a heap raither hae a ghaist i' my hoose nor ane far'er benn.

"Jist for thouchtlessness, I doobt, But wha could hae imagined to kep a ghaist by paperin' ower a door, whan, gien there be ony trowth i' sic tales, the ghaist gangs throu a stane wa' jist as easy's open air! But surely o' a' fules a ghaist maun be the warst 'a things on aboot a place!" "Maybe it's to haud away frae a waur.

'It's his ghaist, muttered Davie; yet, coming nearer, he seemed to acknowledge his living acquaintance. The poor fool himself appeared the ghost of what he had been.

Sir Robert Redgauntlet, in the midst of a' this fearful riot, cried, wi' a voice like thunder, on Steenie Piper to come to the board-head where he was sitting; his legs stretched out before him, and swathed up with flannel, with his holster pistols aside him, while the great broadsword rested against his chair, just as my gudesire had seen him the last time upon earth the very cushion for the jackanape was close to him, but the creature itself was not there it wasna its hour, it's likely; for he heard them say as he came forward, 'Is not the major come yet? And another answered, 'The jackanape will be here betimes the morn. And when my gudesire came forward, Sir Robert, or his ghaist, or the deevil in his likeness, said, 'Weel, piper, hae ye settled wi' my son for the year's rent?

Each made his private comments on the scene they had witnessed, until Hobbie Elliot suddenly exclaimed, "Weel, I'll uphaud that yon ghaist, if it be a ghaist, has baith done and suffered muckle evil in the flesh, that gars him rampauge in that way after he is dead and gane." "It seems to me the very madness of misanthropy," said Earnscliff; following his own current of thought.