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"Bucephalus is to be sowld next week, and I'm to quit in a month!" Susan sighed. "To be sure, I'd aisy git another place, but in the meantime that'll put off our weddin', jewel, till I don' know when." Susan sighed again, and Dan hit his boot somewhat smartly, as if he were indignant with Fate.

I sowld me cows to Barney So-and-So, afther givin' him six noggins of poteen, an' I got out of him twenty per cint. more than the price that was goin', thanks be to God! They are so pious in words." "What they want is emancipation from the priests and from the superstitions of the dark ages. They believe in the fairies still, and attribute all kinds of powers to them.

Sure, an' it's lost they'd be only for our comin' acrass them, and we, through the blessin' o' God, enabled to do an act o' marcy, that is, feedin' the hungry; and sure every good work we do here is before uz in heaven, and that's a comfort anyhow. To be sure, now that the scalpeens is sowld, there's no use in goin' to Fingal, and we may as well jist go home."

Shure he knows all about the red-coats, case he's an arthillery man himself, and that's the way he's found out his gran' combustible." "An artilleryman?" said John. "He told me he was a writer for the press." "Bedad, thin, he's mistaken himself intirely; for he tould me with his own mouth. And I'll show you the thing he sowld me as is to do it.

Now, de ye take, Mister Tigg?" "Troth do I. But dev ye think yez can fool thim so aizy?" "Easy as eatin' punkin-pie. Jehosophet! I hain't been five year in the tradin' line 'ithout lernin' the bizness, I recking." "Be me faith! yez must have been raal cliver at it, whin ye sowld them cypress-knees for bacon-hams to the Bawltemoreans. You remimber that story yez towld us down in Mixico?"

But that's only a small bit o' me speckilations. I found six owld newspapers in the bottom o' me chist, and, would ye belave it, I sowld 'em, ivery wan, for half-a-dollar the pace; and I don't rightly know how much clear goold I've got by standin' all mornin' at the post-office." "Standing at the post-office! What do you mean?" "Nother more or less nor what I say.

Bot my lo. qharas your lo. desyris in yowr letter, that I craif my lo. my brotheris mynd anent this matter, I alvterly disasent fra that that he sowld ever be ane counsalowr therto; for in gude fayth, he vill newer help his frend nor harme his fo.

Maybe there is; who knows? So away I wint, and sure enough I found a row o' men waitin' for their letters; so I crushes for'ard och! but I thought they'd ha' hung me on the spot, and I found it was a rule that `first come first sarved fair play and no favour. They wos all standin' wan behind another in a line half-a-mile long av it wos a fut, as patient as could be; some readin' the noosepapers, and some drinkin' coffee and tay and grog, that wos sowld by men as went up an' down the line the whole mornin'. So away I goes to the end o' the line, an' took my place, detarmined to stand it out; and, in three minutes, I had a tail of a dozen men behind me. `Faix, Larry, says I, `it's the first time ye iver comminced at the end of a thing in order to git to the beginnin'.

Bad luck to her! she was near gettin' me into the stocks when I sowld her the dose of oak bark for the sarvants, to draw in their stomachs and shorten their feedin'. My faith, ould Lindsay 'ud have put me in them only for bringin' shame upon his wife."*