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But, indeed, it was worse to see the two young things going over, and wanting to get acrass to waken their daddy and mammy, poor desolit childher! "When the corpses were washed and dressed, they looked uncommonly well, consitherin'. Larry, indeed, didn't bear death so well as Sally; but you couldn't meet a purtier corpse than she was in a day's travelling.

An' now, wasn't it looky that I kem acrass him at all, or maybe we might be cotch by the naygers, and ate up alive." "O, thin, indeed, and that's thrue," said Jemmy and Peter, "and whin will we come to the short turn?" "O, never mind," said Barny, "you'll see it when you get there; but wait till I tell you more about the captain, and the big ship.

I wouldn't be as I am to-day. There's that half acre " "To the diouol, I say, I pitch yourself an' your half acre! Why do you be comin' acrass me wid your half acre? Eh? why do you?" "Come now; don't be puttin' your hands agin your sides, an waggin' your impty head at me, like a rockin' stone." "An' why do you be aggravatin' at me wid your half acre?" "Bekase I have a good right to do it.

"Well, Ellen aroon, all's in it is, it can't be helped. Bud as I was sayin' whin I left this, I cut acrass by Sheemus Doyle's, an' so up into the mountain, where I knew the hares were coorsin' about in plenty. I shot two or three ov thim; an' as night began to fall, I was thinkin' ov comin' home, whin I heerd the barkin' ov a dog a little farther up, in the wild part, where I never ventured afore.

"I think if you wor," said M'Kinley, "the light weights and short measures would be comin' acrass your conscience." "No, in troth, Alick, wouldn't they; but may be if you wor, the promise you broke to Sally Mitchell might trouble you a bit: at any rate, I've a prayer, and if I only repated it wanst, I mightn't be afeard of all the divils in hell."

Now it so happened that they met exactly at a narrow gap in the ditch behind Rosha Halpin's house. The goats, bein' coupled together, got one on each side of the rift, wid the rope that coupled them extended acrass it. The mare stood in the middle of it, so that the goats were in the way of the mare, an' the mare in the way of the goats.

Peter gave her a shrewd, significant wink, in contradiction to what he considered the degrading comparison she had just made. "Ellish, you're beside the mark, you beauty; always put the saddle on the right horse, woman alive! Didn't you often an' I often swear to me, upon two green ribbons, acrass one another, that you liked a red head best, an' that the redder it was you liked it the betther?"

She went off acrass the moors that way." Mr. Crows pointed an indifferent whip into the blackness which rested like a pall between the white road and the distant roaring sea. "She was a wunner to go, too out of sight in a moment, she was." "Thank you. I'll get down here, too."

"Very well," said Darby, "the blame be his, an' if it comes to that, the punishment; so far as myself's consarned, I say, let every herrin' hang by its own tail I must do my duty. But tell me, Poll hut, woman, never mind the Vulture let him go to the devil his own way tell me do you ever hear from your son Frank, that Brian M'Loughlin sent acrass?"

"Troth, that's fwhat they do, yer haner; they never go about the bush wit yez the gintlemen, ma'am, of our country, fwhin they do be coortin' yez; an' I want to ax, ma'am, if you plase, fwhat you think of thim, that is if ever any of them had the luck to come acrass you, my lady?"