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"Sure you will, sir; you'll want more nor that yit, please Gad, if you be spared. Come, amuck come, you crathur; faix you're in luck so you are gettin' so good a place wit his haner, here, that you won't know yourself shortly, plase God."

We have her with us, your haner, because if we did not she would be alone in the world." "And what trade or profession do you follow?" said I. "We do a bit in the tinkering line, your haner." "Do you find tinkering a very profitable profession?" said I. "Not very, your haner; but we contrive to get a crust and a drink by it." "That's more than I ever could," said I.

Musha, Gad bless yer haner, an' maybe ye'd buy a slip of a pig fwhrom me, that has my heart bruck, so she has, if ever any body's heart was bruck wit the likes of her; an' sure so there was, no doubt, or I wouldn't be as I am wid her. I'll give her a dead bargain, sir; for it's only to get her aff av my hands I'm wanting plase yer haner husth amuck husth, a veehone!

"Fine weather," said I. "Very, sir," said the elder female. "Won't you please to sit down?" and reaching back into the tent, she pulled out a stool which she placed near me. I sat down on the stool. "You are not from these parts?" said I, addressing myself to the man. "We are not, your haner," said the man; "we are from Ireland."

"Fwhy thin, miss, 'twas to a brother o' my own I was bringing it, that was livin' down the counthry here, an' fwhin I came to fwhere he lived, the sarra one o' me knew the place, in regard o' havin' forgotten the name of it entirely, an' there was I wit the poor crathur an my hands, till his haner here bought it from me Gad bless you, sir!"

"I don't want the pig, my good fellow," replied the Englishman, without evincing curiosity enough to inquire how he came to have such a commodity for sale. "She'd be the darlint in no time wid you, sir; the run o' your kitchen 'ud make her up a beauty, your haner, along wit no trouble to the sarvints about sweepin' it, or any thing.

Amongst other things which our conductor showed us was an immense onen or ash; it stood in one of the courts and measured, as she said, pedwar y haner o ladd yn ei gwmpas, or four yards and a half in girth.

"Done!" said the captain; "it's a bargain, my good fellow, if you accomplish it; and, what's more, I'll consider you a knowing one." "I'm a poor Cannaught man, your haner," replied our friend Phil; "but what's to prevent me thryin'? Tell thim," he continued, "that you must go; purtind to be for takin' thim all wit you, sir.

Be asy, an' me in conwersation wid his haner here!" * My sorrow on you for a pig. Silence pig! Silence, you pig! Silence, you vagabond! "You are an Irishman?" the gentleman inquired. "I am, sir, from Connaught, yer haner, an' ill sell the crathur dag cheap, all out. Asy, you thief!"

Faix, sir, this'll come so handy for the landlord at kome, in regard o' the rint for the bit o' phatie ground, so it will, if I can get home agin widout brakin' it. Arrah, maybe yer haner 'ud give me the price o' my bed, an' a bit to ate, sir, an' keep me from brakin' in upon this, sir, Gad bless the money!