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He didna blatter, but he greeted so sair to be let oot, an syne he scratched a' the paint aff the door." Mr. Brown glowered at her in exasperation. "Woman, they'll hae me up afore kirk sessions for brakin' the rules, an' syne they'll turn us a' oot i' the cauld warld togither." He slammed the door and stormed angrily around the kirk.

Oh, is it nothing to look upon the green earth itself,and all its beauty to hear the happy songs and the joyful voices of all that are about us the birds singing sweetly, the music of the river flowin' to see the sun shinin', and to hear the rustlin' of the trees in the warm winds of summer to see and hear all this, and to feel that a young heart is brakin', or already broken within us that we are goin' to lave it all all we loved and to go down into the clay under us?

'I'm busy with a patthern here that is brakin' my heart, says the waiver; 'and antil I complate it and masther it intirely I won't quit. 'Oh, think o' the iligant stirabout, that 'ill be spylte intirely. 'To the divil with the stirabout, says he. 'God forgive you, says she, 'for cursin' your good brekquest. 'Ay, and you too, says he.

Do you know a sartin young man wid a nose on him runnin' to a point like the pin of a sun-dial, his knees brakin' the king's pace, strikin' one another ever since he was able to walk, an' that was about four years afther he could say his Father Nosther; an' faith, whatever you may think, there's no makin' them paceable except by puttin' between them!

Nothing was said, however, till after worship; when Bruce gave her a long lecture, as impressive as the creature was capable of making it, on the wickedness and certain punishment of "takin' up wi' ill loons like Sandy Forbes, wha was brakin' his mither's hert wi' his baad behaviour."

I canna gang, cause Mrs Forbes is gaun oot." "I'll gang and hear him, to please you, my lassie; for, as I said, I haena been to the kirk the day." "But do ye think it's richt to brak the Sawbath, Mr Cupples?" "Ay and no." "I dinna unnerstan' ye." "What the clergy ca' brakin' the Sawbath's no brakin' o' 't.

I canna gie ye onything for 't, 'cause that wad be brakin' the law against compoon interest, but I can mak' it up some ither gait, ye ken." But Annie had been too much pleased at the prospect of possession to let the money go so easily. "I hae plenty o' ways o' spen'in' 't," she said, "withoot wastry. Sae I'll jist tak' it mysel', and thank ye, Mr Bruce."

Crack every bone in 'is body." It's insulted ye, Jim." Ye'll be brakin 'is teeth fur 'im." Then followed a plate, cup and saucer, and these were supplemented by an old shirt and various knick-knacks that only a woman would remember in trying to provide for an invalid far away from the conveniences and comforts of home.

Neither the doctor nor Jess moved hand or foot, but their hearts were with their fellow-creature, and at length the doctor made a sign to Marget Howe, who had come out in search of Tammas, and now stood by his side. "Dinna mourn tae the brakin' o' yir hert, Tammas," she said, "as if Annie an' you hed never luved.

I belong to Gowrie a' the week, but I'm granny's on Sabbath; there's aye a deal to do, brakin' sticks and mendin' up things, ye see." "And you really don't go to a Sunday-school?" exclaimed Grace, hardly able to restrain her satisfaction at this piece of information. "But, by-the-by, I have never asked your name. I should like to hear it, because I hope we are going to be friends."