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"Father," said he again, "I've been a baad, baad son to you." "Tuncan," retorted the old man, in a husky but firm voice, "I've been a baad, baad father to you." "Let us shake hands whatever," said the son. The two silently grasped each other's hands with all the little strength that remained to them. Then old McKay turned suddenly to his henchman.

"Berlin," said Bart, "Jumbo is so strong that his muscles actually ache unless he can have some strenuous occupation by which to employ himself." The big negro grinned and winked at Carson. "That was what Ah tol' Marsa Frank when Ah come here," he said. "Ah wanted a job as perfesser in de 'cademy mos' monstrous baad.

But then they had no choice, while Boyd Connoway, a willing martyr, fought his lioness with a three-legged stool. This time, however, the just quarrel armed the three-legged, while cut number two of Forbes's Manual fell, not on Boyd Connoway's head, for which it was intended, but on Bridget's knee-cap. Not bääd, sure? Say it is better now thin, darlint!"

"Why 'alf t' lads in t' village is called Jimmy. Yo're called Jimmy yourself, coom t' thot." He considered it. "Well it's nat as ef they didn' knaw all of 'em." "Oh they knaws!" "D'yo' mind them, Essy? They dawn't maake yo' feel baad about it, do they?" She shook her head and smiled her dreamy smile. He rose and looked down at her with his grieved, resentful eyes.

Baad that, vara baad it might be the severe weather though, and the numbing effect of the sitting in the carriage. Be it what it will, I can't help myself. January 20. I had little to do at the Court, and returned home soon. Honest old Mr. Ferrier is dead, at extreme old age. I confess I should not wish to live so long.

Nothing was said, however, till after worship; when Bruce gave her a long lecture, as impressive as the creature was capable of making it, on the wickedness and certain punishment of "takin' up wi' ill loons like Sandy Forbes, wha was brakin' his mither's hert wi' his baad behaviour."

Willie, the farm lad, appeared on the threshold. His face was flushed and scared. "Where's Jim?" he said in a thick voice. "Ooosh-sh! Doan't yo' knaw t' coffin's coom? 'E's oopstairs w' t' owd maaster." "Well 'e mun coom down. T' mare's taaken baad again in 'er insi-ide." "T' mare, Daasy?" "Yes." "Eh dear, there's naw end to trooble. Yo go oop and fatch Jimmy." Willie hesitated.

She was telling them about the "Throuble expected at th' moine; an' faather bein' on hand t' take a fist; an' th' gen'leman from Waashin'ton waitin' for the Ranger man t' come back; an' th' goin's on raported in the paphers. Ah, h' waz a baad man, wuz the Ranger, faather said." "Do you read the paper, little one?" broke in Matthews.

"Yo' moosn' suppawse I dawn feel baad, Essy. I've laaid awaake manny a night, thinkin' what I've doon t'yo'." "What 'ave yo' doon, Jimmy? Yo' maade mae 'appy fer sex moonths. An' there's t' baaby. I didn' want 'im before 'e coom seemed like I'd 'ave t' 'ave 'im stead o' yo'. But yo' can goa right awaay, Jimmy, an' I sudn' keer ef I navver saw yo' again, so long's I 'ad 'im."

It's it's so horribly lonely." He couldn't deny it. "A'y; it's rackoned t' bae loanly. But I sall navver leaave yo. I'm goain' t' buy a new trap for yo, soa's yo can coom with mae and Daaisy. Would yo like thot, Ally?" "Yes, Jim, I'd love it. But " "It'll not bae soa baad. Whan I'm out in t' mistal and in t' fields and thot, yo'll have Maaggie with yo." She whispered. "Jim I can't bear Maggie.