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I do sometimes at home, but not the English game. "Oh, we play the 'Merican game too. 'Appy to play the 'Merican game with you, sir." "Try him a game," says Bunker. "It won't hurt you." Not liking to refuse an invitation from a polite Englishman, who appears to be a stranger here, I consent. This is billiard-room etiquette the world over. The cue is like a whip-stock.

P'r'aps he was 'appier where he was than doing six months. "He was the sort o' chap that'll make himself 'appy anywhere," ses one of 'em, comforting-like. "Not without me," ses Mrs. Bullet, sobbing, and wiping her eyes on something she used for a pocket-hankercher. "He never could bear to be away from me. Was there no last words?" "On'y one," ses one o' the chaps, Joe Peel by name.

She'll hang herself for despair, Eglantine." "Hush! not a word about 'ER. I've sown all my wild oats, I tell you. Eglantine is no longer the gay young bachelor, but the sober married man. I want a heart to share the feelings of mine. I want repose. I'm not so young as I was: I feel it." "Pooh! pooh! you are you are " "Well, but I sigh for an 'appy fireside; and I'll have it."

He carried a toast to the charming Ethel, another to the charming Mistriss Laura, another to his good fren', his brave frren', his 'appy fren', Pendennis 'appy as possessor of such a wife, 'appy as writer of works destined to the immortality, etc. etc. The little children round about clapped their happy little hands, and laughed and crowed in chorus.

Anyhow, the mortgage be paid off, sir, Miss Anthea's free, an' 'tis joy'ful, an' 'appy-'earted I be this night. Prudence an' me'll be gettin' married soon now, an' when I think of her cookin' Lord, Mr. Belloo sir! All as I say is God bless Master Georgy! Good-night, sir! an' may your dreams be as 'appy as mine, always supposin' I do dream, which is seldom. Good-night, sir!"

Saxham 'as come in before they'd bin pull down, an' then O William! there was everythink in that room on Gawd's good earth a 'usband could ask for to make 'im 'appy, except the wife's 'art beatin' warm and lovin' in the middle of it all!" "Cripps!... You don't never mean ...?" He gasped. "Wot? Don't the Doctor make no odds to 'er? A Man Like That?" ...

"If I was getting as much out of it as you are I'd be a 'appy man," sighed Mr. Smith. "Me!" cried the other; do you think I'd take money for this why, I'd sooner starve, I'd sooner. Wot are you a-tapping your nose for?" "Was I tapping it?" demanded Mr. Smith, in surprise. "Well, I didn't know it. I'm glad you told me." "You're quite welcome," said the steward, sharply.

"Maybe sometime. By and bye; but not now." "If she is all right by and bye, why the 'ell is she all wrong now?" cried Lopez, incensed. "You're not as sorry as I am. God knows, I want her." Lopez was desperate by this time. "Dios!" he fairly yelled. "You Americanos make me seek! I shall come 'ere and work like 'ell all day to make you 'appy, and the best I get is zis!"

Prendergast was seen in that room in lieu of Sir Thomas, he knew at once that the game had been abandoned. "But something may yet be done at 'Appy 'ouse," Aby said to himself, "only one must be deuced quick." The father and the son of course quarrelled frightfully, like dogs over the memory of a bone which had been arrested from the jaws of both of them.

He thought for a while, and then said: 'You're abaht right there, Liza; I dunno if I could get on without the kids. If I could only tike them an' you too, swop me bob, I should be 'appy. Liza smiled sadly. 'So yer see, Jim, we're in a bloomin' 'ole, an' there ain't no way aht of it thet I can see. He took her on his knees, and pressing her to him, kissed her very long and very lovingly.