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When ye're cauld, ye feel the want o' meat waur. 'Have you really sometimes not had food? asked Gladys in a shocked voice. 'Whiles. Do you ken onything aboot Liz? she asked, suddenly breaking off, and lifting her large sunken eyes to the sweet face opposite to her. 'No; that is one of the things I came about to-day. Have you not heard anything of her? 'No' a cheep. Naebody kens.

Lairdie has anither coat, a brawer yin, and he lent me the auld yin because the nichts is cauld, and I hae a hoast ma'sel! Div ye ken Lairdie Bower? I've been wi' his auld faither and the lasses half the day, but speakin's awfu' dry work. Here Merton repeated the bottle trick, and showed symptoms of going to sleep, his head rolling on to the shoulder of the rough.

My Willie is my only son, my first-born, and my heart's hope and treasure; and, oh, if I lose him now, if I shall never again hear his kindly voice say 'mother! nor stroke down his yellow hair wi' him that has made me sonless I shall hae a day o' lang and fearfu' reckoning; cauld shall be the hearth-stane in the house o' many a Murray, and loud their lamentation."

I haf hear-r-rd of cauld kale an' het kale, of kale porridge an' kale brose, but nefer haf I hear-r-rd before of a music-kale. Bless me, man, I cud make neither head nor tail o' it, and they wer-r-re no better themsel's. They had printed notes about it an' a bit man makin' a speech about it, but not one of them knew a thing about the hale hypotheck. Musick, quare musick I call it!

Lassies canna saw or plane, ye ken. Ye wad tak' aff yer ain lugs in a jiffey." Again she was silent for a long time; and then, with a sigh, she looked up and said: "Alec, I'm so cauld!" "I'll bring my plaid to row ye in the morn's nicht." Annie's heart bounded for joy; for here was what amounted to an express invitation for to-morrow.

Sometimes when she sang, "Oh, wert thou in the cauld blast," the doctor and even Mr. Kronborg joined in. Thea never minded if people could not sing; she directed them with her head and somehow carried them along. When her father got off the pitch she let her own voice out and covered him.

But, man! I wad hae repentit lang syne gin I cud hae gotten ae glimp o' a possible justice in pittin a hert as grit's mine into sic a misgreein', scrimpit, contemptible body as this. The verra sowl o' me has to draw up the legs o' 't to haud them inside this coffin o' a corpus, and haud them ohn shot oot into the everlastin' cauld.

He has a delightful voice, and he sang that song you like so much, 'Oh, wert thou in the cauld blast! and while he was singing he missed the landing. But he apologized, and rowed me back like lightning: so it really didn't matter, especially as you met me, like the dear that you are."

That tune, "Cauld Kail," is such a favourite of yours, that I once more roved out yesterday for a gloamin-shot at the muses; when the muse that presides o'er the shores of Nith, or rather my old inspiring dearest nymph, Coila, whispered me the following.

The "auld wifie" kept a sharp eye on the comings and goings of her lodgers. It was "no' canny" that this old man, with a cauld in his chest, had gone up full two days before and had not come down again. To bitter complaints of his coughing and of his strange talking to himself she gave scant attention, but foul play was done often enough in these dens to make her uneasy.