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This guy Jim Collins slips it to me confidential that he's off the crooked stuff. Nothin' doin' a-tall in gorilla work. He kids me that he's quit goin' out on the spud and porch-climbin' don't look good to him no more. A four-room flat, a little wifie, an' the straight road for 'Slim' Jim. I fall for it, though I'd orta be hep to men. An' he dates me up to-night for the chauffeurs' ball."

For an hour they argued, Lizzie refusing, declaring it was useless, insisting that she would then belong to no set; Frank assuring her that hand-in-hand and heart-to-heart they would together, with united strength and love, win a place for themselves in the world. They dozed in each other's arms. Rousing himself, Frank said "Kiss me once more, little wifie; good-night, little wife ..."

However, if there is only one pony, wifie walks, while her lordly mate rides. That is Indian etiquette. Tourists! Flocks of them, trainloads and carloads! They came and looked, and passed on, and were forgotten, nine-tenths of them at least. Anyone who is interested in the study of human nature should set up shop on the Rim of the Grand Canyon and watch the world go by.

The tears came into her eyes, and she threw both arms around his neck for a second, a very rare thing for her to do in the presence of others. "Why, wifie," he said, "you musn't make it too hard for a fellow to get off! Doesn't she look well this morning, Sally?" turning to me. "I was thinking last night that I must take her to the mountains as soon as it was warm enough.

Presently he rose and left the room. His wife followed him. The moment she entered his study behind him he turned and took her in his arms. "Here's news, wifie!" he said. "You'll be just as glad of it as I am. Yrndale is ours after all! at least so my old friend Heron says, and he ought to know! Cousin Strafford left no will. He is certain there is none.

It was plain that she knew nothing of what we called her covering, her obscuration, the dimming of her glory. She had been busy all the time weaving her lovely opaline damask on the other side of the mass in which we said she was swallowed up. "Have you ever noticed, wifie," I said, "how the eyes of our minds almost our bodily eyes are opened sometimes to the cubicalness of nature, as it were?"

In September she completed thirty-six years as a missionary, and took humorous stock of herself: "I'm lame and feeble and foolish; the wrinkles are wonderful-no concertina is so wonderfully folded and convulated. I'm a wee, wee wifie, verra little buikit but I grip on well, none the less."

'Own wifie, God bless you till we meet again! 'Till we meet again, good-bye! And the pony went on, and she spoke to him no more. He saw her figure diminish and her blue veil grow gray saw it with the agonizing sensations of a slow death.

Up for membership at The Retreat. Dines with Poultney Masters, Jr., at his club. Can't you hear him running home to wifie all het up and puffed like a toad, and telling her about it?" "Who's all this, Bunny?" inquired Banneker, who had taken in only the last few words.

"It is hard to tell, but if you are content I am, wifie, although I should like the old home again." Like many others he was able to appreciate the material good things, but knew not that the material are but emblems or symbols of the spiritual.