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She asked him about his journey and about Cornelius; then told him how she came to be there instead of at her piano, "The tuner must have finished by this time!" she said; "let us go and try his work!" So saying she rose, and was on her feet before Vavasor. The way seemed to reveal itself to her as they went, and they were soon at home. The next fortnight Vavasor spent at Yrndale.

If you tell me you consider yourself out of quarantine, I will come to you at once; if you do not, will you propose something, for meet we must." Hester pondered well before returning an answer. She could hardly say, she replied, that there was no danger, for her brother, who had been ill, was yet in the house, too weak for the journey to Yrndale.

Her next thought was of her poor: "Now I shall be able to do something for them!" Alas! too swiftly followed the conviction that now she would be able to do less than ever for them. Yrndale was far from London! They could not come to her, and she could not go to them, except for an occasional visit, perhaps too short even to see them all.

In the month of October, when the forsaken spider-webs were filled no more with flies, but in the morning now with the dew-drops, now with hoarfrost, and the fine stimulus and gentle challenge of the cold roused the vital spirit in every fibre to meet it; when the sun shone a little sadly, and the wraith of the coming winter might be felt hovering in the air, major Marvel again made his appearance at Yrndale, but not quite the man he was; he had a troubled manner, and an expression on his face such as Mrs.

So the time went on till after the twelfth night, when Miss Vavasor took her leave for a round of visits, and lord Gartley went up to town, with intention thereafter to pay a visit to his property, such as it was. He would return to Yrndale in three weeks or a month, when the final arrangements for the marriage would be made.

A feeling had grown upon the household as if there were in the house a strange lovely spot whence was direct communication with heaven a little piece cut out of the new paradise and set glowing in the heart of the old house of Yrndale the room where Mark lay shining in his bed, a Christ-child, if ever child might bear the name.

In the autumn he had his books removed to Yrndale, saying in London he could always get what books he wanted, but must have his own about him in the country.

Next day, however, he found a summons waiting him at his club, and made haste to obey it. She had thought it better to prepare him for what she was about to ask of him, therefore mentioned in her note that in a day or two she was going to Yrndale with her brother and his wife. "Whew!" exclaimed the major when he read it, "wife! this complicates matters!

"Wasn't it better to let you discover for yourself, my child?" answered her mother. "You were so sorry to leave London, that I would not praise Yrndale for fear of prejudicing you against it." "Mother," said Hester, with something in her throat, "I did not want to change; I was content, and had my work to do! I never was one to turn easily to new things.

Everything was now going on well at Yrndale thanks to the stormy and sorrowful weather that had of late so troubled its spiritual atmosphere, and killed so many evil worms in its moral soil! As soon as the distress caused by Corney's offences was soothed by reviving love for the youth and fresh hope in him, Hester informed her parents of the dissolution of her engagement to lord Gartley.