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Nice reeds make nice baskets. He can't hold himself together. Spoken of an infirm old man. Too boot of a mush for his kokero. Too much of a man for himself; i.e., he thinks too much of himself. He's too boot of a mush to rakker a pauveri chavo. He's too proud too speak to a poor man.

"Can you VOKER Rommany?" is given by Mr Hotten as meaning "Can you speak Gipsy," but there is no such word in Rommany as voker. He probably meant "Can you rakker" pronounced very often Roker. Continental Gipsy Rakkervava. Mr Hotten derives it from the Latin Vocare! YACK, a watch, probably received its name from the Gipsy Yak an eye, in the old times when watches were called bull's eyes.

You needn't be afraid of me I'm the nicest gentleman you ever saw in all your life, and I can talk Rommany as fast as ever you ran away from a policeman." "What language is the gentleman talking?" cried the old dame, but laughing heartily as she spoke. "Oh dye miri dye, Don't tute jin a Rommany rye? Can't tu rakker Rommany jib, Tachipen and kek fib?"

Should he be very thirsty, and your manners frank and assuring, it is, however, not impossible that after draining a pot of beer at your expense, he may recall, with a grin, the fact that he has heard that the Gipsies have a queer kind of language of their own; and then, if you have any Rommany yourself at command, he will perhaps rakker Rommanis with greater or less fluency.

It struck me that he was indirectly trying to pump me, for he said, "You don't talk like none of us. I reckon you've been on the road." Moreover, when we met he had saluted me thus, "Sarishan Pala. Kushto Bak," and this salutation happens to be Rommany. As we pursued our talk, he inquired, "You rakker Rommanis?"

The tinker gazed at me admiringly, and then said, "You're 'deep' Gipsy, I see, sir that's what you are." "Mo rov a jaw; mo rakker so drovan?" I answered. "Don't talk so loud; do you think I want all the Gorgios around here to know I talk Gipsy? Come in; jal adree the ker and pi a curro levinor." The tinker entered.

An' you can dick by dovo that the kukalos, an' fairies, an' mullos, and chovihans all rakker puro tacho Rommanis, 'cause that's the old 'Gyptian jib that was penned adree the Scripture tem. If a Gipsy is lost and cannot find his way in the night, he cries out, "Hup, hup Rom-ma-ny, Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!" When the children cannot find the tent, it is the same cry, "Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!"

An' it was the sar covva with my dades nav if I dicked a mush with a nav that simmed leskers, mandy'd rakker him by a waver nav. For 'twould kair any mush wafro to shoon the navyas of the mullas a't 'were cammoben to him."

Before this terrible title Charles appeared, and swore stoutly that he was no more a Rommany chal than he was one of the Apostles for be it remembered, reader, that in Germany at the present day, the mere fact of being a Gipsy is still treated as a crime. Suddenly the judge attacked him with the words "Tu hal rom, me hom, rakker tschatschopenn!" "Thou art a Gipsy, I am a Gipsy, speak the truth."

An' that's sar I can rakker tute about my jallin' to kangry. Did I ever go to church? Yes, twice, and sat down there. And all the ladies and gentlemen looked at me as I went in. So I sat quietly among some men and looked up on the wall above my head, and there were a deer and a rabbit cut in the stone, beautifully done.