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An' you can dick by dovo that the kukalos, an' fairies, an' mullos, and chovihans all rakker puro tacho Rommanis, 'cause that's the old 'Gyptian jib that was penned adree the Scripture tem. If a Gipsy is lost and cannot find his way in the night, he cries out, "Hup, hup Rom-ma-ny, Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!" When the children cannot find the tent, it is the same cry, "Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!"

Wasn't appearances all agin Joseph's bruthren when the money and the silver cup was found in their bags, and them afleein home? And if the 'Gyptian lie-yers could have got their claws on that case, don't you know they would have proved them innercent boys guilty, and a hung em?

Daddy Eroshka gazed at his feet in their shoes of wet raw hide and shook his head thoughtfully at the cornet's ability and learning, and muttered to himself: 'Gyptian Nimvrod! What things he invents! 'Yes, you see we mean to go hunting, answered Olenin. 'Yes, sir, exactly, said the cornet, 'but I have a small business with you. 'What do you want?

"Ah, Ferguson what did I understand you to say the gentleman's name was?" "Name? he got no name! Mummy! 'Gyptian mummy!" "Yes, yes. Born here?" "No! 'Gyptian mummy!" "Ah, just so. Frenchman, I presume?" "No! not Frenchman, not Roman! born in Egypta!" "Born in Egypta. Never heard of Egypta before. Foreign locality, likely. Mummy mummy. How calm he is how self-possessed. Is, ah is he dead?"

"Egyptian? but who's going to understand them?" "There's always some old wise man or woman in every village, sar, who understands them. You remember old King Coffee in Grant's Town?" "Does he know Egyptian?" "O yaas, sar! He knows 'gyptian right enough. And he could tell you every word them birds says if he's a mind to." "I wonder if Tobias knows Egyptian, Tom?"

"Ah, Ferguson what did I understand you to say the gentleman's name was?" "Name? he got no name! Mummy! 'Gyptian mummy!" "Yes, yes. Born here?" "No! 'Gyptian mummy!" "Ah, just so. Frenchman, I presume?" "No! not Frenchman, not Roman! born in Egypta!" "Born in Egypta. Never heard of Egypta before. Foreign locality, likely. Mummy mummy. How calm he is how self-possessed. Is, ah is he dead?"

'Well, no, I ain't a mummy as fur as I knows on, said Sinfi, only half-appeased; 'but my daddy's a 'Gyptian duke for all that, ain't you, dad? 'So it seems, Sin, said Panuel, 'but I ommust begin to wish I worn't; it makes you feel so blazin' shy bein' a duke all of a suddent. 'Dabla! said the guest Jericho Boswell. 'What, Pan, has she made a dook on ye? The Scollard began to grin.

"Ah, Ferguson what did I understand you to say the gentleman's name was?" "Name? he got no name! Mummy! 'Gyptian mummy!" "Yes, yes. Born here?" "No! 'Gyptian mummy!" "Ah, just so. Frenchman, I presume?" "No! not Frenchman, not Roman! born in Egypta!" "Born in Egypta. Never heard of Egypta before. Foreign locality, likely. Mummy mummy. How calm he is how self-possessed. Is, ah is he dead?"

Anybody as says my daddy ain't a real 'Gyptian duke'll ha' to set to with Sinfi Lovell. 'Nonsense, said Cyril, smiling, and playing idly with a coral amulet dangling from Sinfi's neck; 'he's talking about the ancient Egyptians: Egyptian mummies, you silly Lady Sinfi. You're not a mummy, are you?