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Ishmael, as I was a-saying, tells me as how this boy, John, have got a good head, and would make a fine scollard, and how, by-and-by, he means to take him for a stoodient, and make a lawyer on him. And as for the girl, sir why, law! look at her! you can see for yourself, sir, as she will have all her mother's beauty."

He can't read the letter hisself, of course, but the Scollard can, and so can Rhona Boswell. One on 'em will read it to him, and I know he'll come at wonst. I shouldn't like to run such a risk without my dear blessed old daddy knowin' on it. It ended in Mivart's writing to Sinfi's father, and Panuel Lovell turned up the next evening in a great state of alarm as to what he was wanted for.

'Well, no, I ain't a mummy as fur as I knows on, said Sinfi, only half-appeased; 'but my daddy's a 'Gyptian duke for all that, ain't you, dad? 'So it seems, Sin, said Panuel, 'but I ommust begin to wish I worn't; it makes you feel so blazin' shy bein' a duke all of a suddent. 'Dabla! said the guest Jericho Boswell. 'What, Pan, has she made a dook on ye? The Scollard began to grin.

To the passing thousands the uniforms of khaki or of navy blue and the blaring band are calling. "In this the vital hour let us show that the Spirit of '76 is not dead! Americans, to arms!" And yesterday it was "Quality Hill," of which Mr. Clinton Scollard sang: "Quality Hill! Lo! It flourishes still, And who can deny that forever it will?

And he really was a lot better scollard than Mo when it came to readin' out loud and tackled "unparalleled" as if it was just nothing at all; it being the word that brought Moses up short; and, indeed, Aunt M'riar, whom we quote, had heard him wrestling with it through the door, and considered it responsible for the accident. Anyhow, Mr.

Scollard knew what it is to love a gentle, intelligent, affectionate cat made so by kind treatment. To Francois Coppee the cat is as sacred as it was to the Egyptians of old. The society of his feline pets is to him ever delightful and consoling, and it may have inspired him to write some of his most melodious verses. Nevertheless he is not the cat's poet.

So we did middling well, and Jan got one of the men that was a bit of a scollard to write to his mother, and got a hawker to take the letter along for the mending of his shoes. And in six months the hawker came back to say that mother was dead and that father had sold Loudacott and was gone to live in the town, where he was drinking and doing no good.

Clinton Scollard, however, has given us an epitaph that many sympathizing admirers would gladly inscribe on the tombstones of their lost pets, if it were only the popular fashion to put tombstones over their graves. This is Mr. Scollard's tribute, the best ever written: One only has to read this poem to feel that Mr.

You’ve forgot your schooling, and the young mistress is a great scollard“Mistresscried Remarkable; “don’t make one out to be a nigger, Benjamin. She’s no mistress of mine, and never will be. And as to speech, I hold myself as second to nobody out of New England. I was born and raised in Essex County; and I’ve always heern say that the Bay State was provarbal for pronounsation

The Scollard was well known to be half-crazed with a passion for Rhona Boswell, who was the fiancée of that cousin of mine, Percy Aylwin, before mentioned. Percy was considered to be a hopelessly erratic character. Much against the wish of his parents, he had been brought up as a sailor; but on seeing Rhona Boswell he promptly fell in love with her, and quitted the sea in order to be near her.