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"To Cumberland!" exclaimed George; and he thought of the young officer whom he had twice met, who belonged to that county, and whose features were the picture of his own. "Why should I go to Cumberland?" "Whoy, I can't tell thee whoy thou shouldst go," said the old man; "but thou was zent me from there, and there thou moost go back again, vor a bad bargain thou hast been to me.

"O, my dear monsieur, how I moost glad to see you your daughter Mees Julie she 'ave say yais yais yais to my ardent love suit and now I have the honneur to salute her respectable papa." "O, father," said the terrified girl, "it was with mother's knowledge and consent." Brandon could not speak a word. "This lady, sir," said Merton, fiercely, advancing to the count, "is my affianced bride."

"Comes a walking delegate by the opposite side of the street and makes with his hands motions," he explained. "So they goes out on strike." Few of the striking operators could speak English, but those that did nodded their corroboration. "For what you strike?" Morris asked them. "Moost strike," one of them replied. "Ven varking delegate say moost strike, ve moost strike."

O Clyo lady moost facundyous O ravysshynge delyte of eloquence O gylted goddes gaye and gloryous Enspyred with the percynge influence Of delycate hevenly complacence Within my mouth let dystyll of thy shoures And forge my tonge to gladde myn auditoures.

In Tullius also moost eloquent The chosen spouse unto this lady free His gylted craft and gloyre in content Gay thynges I made eke, yf than lust to see Go loke the Code also the dygestes thre The bookes of lawe and of physyke good Of ornate speche there spryngeth up the flood.

"Zey are nod children; zey are nod 'igh an' well-born," said the baroness in rasping tones. "Then you must find some high and well-born children for me to play with," said the princess. "Moost? Moost?" cried the baroness in a high voice. "Bud eed ees whad I know ees goot for you." "They're good for me," said the princess firmly. "And you must find them."

But this wind is right in one's teeth, either to get to Sandy Point or fetch any other port within easy reach." "We moost ae just trust to Proveedence!" replied the mate. "Oh, yes, that's all very well," said the skipper, impatiently. "But, still, Providence expects us to do something to help ourselves what do you suggest?"

Now, Larry, ye moost rimimber the owld cockatoo `Ally Sloper' wor alriddy oop there aloft; an' whin the burrd says Jocko makin' fur him, he oop stick, or rayther oop wid his crist an' flies down roight atop ov Tom's hid, shraykin' out, `Say-rah, Say-rah! as loud as the divvle could bawl. `Gyp' on this starts barkin' loike mad at the blissid cockatoo; whin down cooms Masther Jocko fur to have his share in the foight.

Bowen let go the key, leaned back in his chair, rubbed his eyes, took off his receiving gear and stared at the wall. "What answer?" Nelson and his peering crew were at his shoulder. "No answer." "Dan we moost go up and dowse dose signal light, so no ship t'ink we ban on shoal yet," and out onto the deck the impassive Nelson led his men. "Good old squarehead you're all right," muttered Bowen.

Ah, now it be all right, señor. Bueno!" She laid her gauntleted hand softly on the rough sleeve of his woollen shirt, her black, appealing eyes flashing suddenly up into his troubled face. "I moost laugh, señor; such a brav' Americano 'fraid of de girl. Why not you shoot me?"