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Hugo he cleared such a goot piece, oder side of dat leetle hill, vhere de oats vould grow fine. And down by de Rifer, on de north side, he find silver, plenty silver in big veins, like dey got east of us, in Nipissing countree. So I tank one day he ban a rich man and haf a prettee little voman and plenty nice kiddies, leetle children like one lofes to see, and dey all lif here so happy."

"Of vat use?" he would say, even now, when asked to play in public "de moosic ist all and dat is eben so goodt here mit friends." Or, "Dere goes a thousand peoples to a goncert maybe fife from dat thousand lofes de moosic let dose fife gome to me and I play dem all day for noding!" or again, more iconoclastically still, when told of golden harvests to be reaped, "And for vat den?

I have told to you my story; cheer oop! If ze ladees have deceives you, she is not wort one snaps of ze fingers!" "But, she has not deceived me," I said. "Den why are you melancolique?" "Because, because " I hesitated: I was ashamed to say what made me despondent. "For ze reasons dat you don't knows weder she lofes you or not?" he asked. "Ah, ha! Den, why not ask her, my friends?

Maybe I no lofe him, but I know he vas good man an' he lofe me. Eet vas de honor ven he ask me dat, an' now I be good voman because a good man lofes me. Holy Mother! eet vill be easy now dat he vanted to marry me." Impulsively Beth Norvell, her own eyes moist, held the other, sobbing like a child within the clasp of sympathetic arms.

Yes, dere are six, and good children dat lofe us, and I say efery day, 'Oh, my God, but you are so good! and my life lofes you, for so much good I haf. Brita too iss happy. She vork hard, but ve do not care, and ve dink, 'Soon ve can rest a little, for it iss not so hard dere as here; and ve sail to America. "But, my lady, how iss it it vas all so bad? For vork iss not.