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Quand, au milieu d'un entretien calme et melancolique, tout a coup il aperçoit le spectre, on suit tout; ses mouvemens dans les yeux qui le contemplent, et l'on ne peut douter de la presence du fantome quand un tel regard l'atteste."

He began one of those tempestuous compositions, brilliant and bewildering, that submerge the most appreciative lay mentality because he was angry, a double anger that he should be angry over he knew not what and broke off in the middle of the composition because Kitty sat upright, stonily unimpressed. Tschaikowsky's "Serenade Melancolique."

I have told to you my story; cheer oop! If ze ladees have deceives you, she is not wort one snaps of ze fingers!" "But, she has not deceived me," I said. "Den why are you melancolique?" "Because, because " I hesitated: I was ashamed to say what made me despondent. "For ze reasons dat you don't knows weder she lofes you or not?" he asked. "Ah, ha! Den, why not ask her, my friends?

While they talk of the 'betise allemande, they talk of the 'gaucherie anglaise; while they talk of the 'Allemand balourd, they talk of the 'Anglais empetre; while they call the German 'niais, they call the Englishman 'melancolique. The difference between the epithets balourd and empetre exactly gives the difference in character I wish to seize; balourd means heavy and dull, empetre means hampered and embarrassed.

"Quand on perd, par triste occurrence, Son esperance Et sa gaité, Le remède au mélancolique C'est la musique Et la beauté. Plus oblige et peut davantage Un beau visage Qu'un homme armé, Et rien n'est meilleur que d'entendre Air doux et tendre Jadis aimé!" It haunted him after he had gone to rest, and for once he did not mind wakefulness. A week passed.

It means to me complete control of the fingerboard, a being at home in every position, absolute sureness of fingering, absolute equality of tone under all circumstances. I remember Ysaye playing Tschaikovsky's Sérénade Mélancolique, and using a fingering for certain passages which I liked very much.

C'est joli, zat little chanson of ze little rose- tree! Ze music, c'est une inspiration de Cicely and ze words are not so melancolique as ze love-songs made ordinairement en Angleterre! Oui oui! c'est joli!" He turned his shrewd old face up to the sky, and blinked at the dim stars, there was a smile under his grizzled moustache.

She made me sit by her and poured out for me the insipid and depressing beverage, boisson fade et mélancolique, as Balzac called it, for which English people are thought abroad to be always thirsting, tea.

We sipped the beverage, agreeing Balzac had well named it ce boisson fade et melancolique; the novelist's disdain being the better understood as we reflected he had doubtless only tasted it as concocted by French ineptitude. We were very merry over the liver-colored liquid, as we sipped it and quoted Balzac.