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The second piece of paper was even more destroyed than the first; only a few scattered words remained here and there. It ran as follows: 7 Juni Glas zwei atrosen graus bringt ihnen "This is written in German," said John Mangles the moment he looked at it. "And you understand that language, don't you?" asked Lord Glenarvan. "Perfectly." "Come, then, tell us the meaning of these words."

She did not desire this in the least, but when the deep harsh voice fell against her from the bending Australian, she responded to the "Wie gefallt's Ihnen?" with an upturned smile and a warm "sehr gut!"

I felt that some one was beside me, but I didn't see who it was, till I heard a man's voice say: 'SCHONE SACHEN, FRAULEIN, WAS? Of course, I took no notice; but I didn't run away, as if I were afraid of him. I went on looking into the window, till he said: 'DARF ICH IHNEN ETWASS KAUFEN?'and more nonsense of the same kind. Then I thought it was time to go.

And he quoted the lines of old Gottfried Keller, the rude citizen of Zurich one of the German writers who was most dear to him by reason of his vigorous loyalty and his keen savor of the soil: "Wer ueber den Parlein sich waehnt mit stolzen Mienen Der steht zumeist vielmehr betraechtlich unter ihnen." "Have courage and be true," he went on. "Have courage and be ugly.

"Die Menchen suchen und suchen, wollen immer was Besseres finden.... Gott geb' ihnen nur Geduld!" Men in the Gold Nugget were talking about some claims, staked and recorded in due form, but on which the statutory work had not been done. "What about 'em?" "They're jumpable at midnight." French Charlie invited the Boy to go along, but neither he nor the Colonel felt enthusiastic.

Weil der gute Amfortas So lang in bittern Schmerzen lag, Und ihn die Frage lange mied, Ist ihnen alles Fragen leid; All des Grales Dienstgesellen Wollen sich nicht mehr fragen lassen. The same explanation is made in the mediaeval poem "Lohengrin."

There was a moment's embarrassed pause, then the rattle of a sabre as the tall man in gray-blue rose to his feet. "Danke Ihnen, meine Herren! Aeusserst nett!" he said briskly. "Sehr nett! Sehr nett!" he said, and led the way out between a lane of Englishmen suddenly become prisoners again. In The German Trenches At La Bassée

In 1780 there was published a volume of confessedly spurious letters entitledBriefe von Yorick und Elisen, wie sie zwischen ihnen konnten geschrieben werden.” The introduction contains some interesting information for the determination of the genuineness of the Sterne letters. The editor states that the author had written these letters purely as a diversion, that the editor had proposed their publication, but was always met with refusal until there appeared in London a little volume of letters which their editor emphatically declared to be genuine. This is evidently the volume published by the anonymous editor in 1775, and our present editor declares that he knows Nos.

During the last year the "Letters of Bergmann" brought up again the controversy, that should have been left to die, over the treatment of the Emperor Friedrich by an English surgeon. The Germans are persistently taught that there are neither scholars nor students in America or in England. One worthy writes: "Die Engländer lernen nichts. Der Sport lässt ihnen keine Zeit dazu.

Vor einem Jahre, da sie ührer uns, als währen wir besiegt, spotteten, saben sie nicht voraus, dass ihnen dies Kreut bevorstebe. Der Herr regiert...Ochsenfart soll sich wider das Büchlein Feldkirchens rüston, in welchem er durch gehechbelt wird. Ich habe ein deutsches Buch wider den Esel von Alveld fertiggestellt, welches jetzt under der Presse ist."