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[Footnote 36: “Ich denke nicht, dass es Sie gereuen wird, den Mann näher kennen zu lernenspoken of Demokritus inDie Abderiten;” see Merkur, 1774, I, p.

"'ICH WILL ALLES LERNEN' ah, you look as if my pronunciation were not good." "I was not thinking of that; you pronounce very well. "ICH WILL ALLES LERNEN, WAS SIE MICH LEHREN: there now, tell me what it means." "Not until you learn it; encore une fois." I said it after him again and again, but when I attempted it alone, I made invariably some error.

Dafur zahlen Narren ein schweres Geld. Ubrigens brauche ich Sie wohl nicht zu lernen." "In the very end you will give in, as though unwillingly, as though against your will, as though from infatuation, a momentary caprice, and which is the main thing as though on the sly from me. You understand? For this the fools pay enormous money. However, it seems I will not have to teach you."

During the last year the "Letters of Bergmann" brought up again the controversy, that should have been left to die, over the treatment of the Emperor Friedrich by an English surgeon. The Germans are persistently taught that there are neither scholars nor students in America or in England. One worthy writes: "Die Engländer lernen nichts. Der Sport lässt ihnen keine Zeit dazu.

Art is born of the utilities of life; and art is in itself one of life's greatest utilities. "Er muss lernen edler begehren, damit er nicht nötig habe, erhaben zu wollen." SCHILLER, "Ästhetische Erziehung."

"Would you like to say a lesson now and get one step in advance of all the others?" "O yes! I shall need at least as much grace as that." "Then say this after me: 'ICH WILL ALLES LERNEN, WAS SIE MICH LEHREN. Begin. "'ICH WILL ALLES LERNEN' but what does it mean?" "Oh, that is not important. Learn it first. Can you not trust me?

"Dreckiges Yolk, die Russen" he remarked, twisting his little moustache's ends up. "Werden lernen was es heisst, frech sein gegen uns. Wollen sie blau und schwartz dreschen." You know German, so I needn't take its peculiar flavour out by transplanting the young man's remarks.