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Henochstein continued, his confidence somewhat diminished by the rebuff. "You could get your workrooms and show-rooms all on one floor, and besides " Morris raised his hand like a traffic policeman halting an obstreperous truckman. "S'enough, Henochstein," he said. "S'enough about that.

Twenty days elapsed, during which Potash & Perlmutter took title to Harris Rabin's house and paid the balance of the purchase price, moieties of which found their way into the pockets of Magnus, Michaelson and Henochstein. At length, the first of the month arrived and Abe and Morris left the store early so that they might collect the rents of their real property.

"And also, Abe," he concluded, "if I got it a partner what made it a slave of me, like Perlmutter does you, I'd go it alone, that's all I got to say." After Henochstein left, Abe was a prey to bitter reflections, which were only interrupted by his partner's return to the show-room a quarter of an hour later.

"If anyone can put it through, I can," was his motto, and he tackled the job of procuring an uptown loft for Potash & Perlmutter with the utmost confidence. "In the first place," he said when he called the next day, "you boys has got too much room." "Boys!" Morris exclaimed. "Since when did we go to school together, Henochstein?" "Anyhow, you got too much room, ain't yer?"

"When I make up my mind I make up my mind, and that's all there is to it." Henochstein turned in crestfallen silence and passed slowly out of the room. "Them sharks ain't satisfied that you're giving away a house, Mawruss," Harris went on. "They want it you should let 'em have coupons and trading stamps with it." "How much did he offer you?" Morris asked.

"Tell 'em," Abe said, "I'll give 'em a recommendation to a policeman if they don't get right out of here. The only way what a feller should deal with a nervy proposition like that, Mawruss, is to squash it in the bud." In matters pertaining to real estate Marks Henochstein held himself to be a virtuoso.

"Oh, I can do it all right." "Sure he can do it," Abe said encouragingly. "And I'll bring you a list as big as the telephone directory to-morrow," Henochstein added as he went out. "But all the same, boys I mean Mr. Perlmutter I don't think you need it all that space." "That's a fresh real-estater for you, Abe," Morris said after Henochstein left.

"I'll tell you what I'll do, Mawruss," Harris said. "You raised Henochstein fifty dollars, so I'll come down fifty dollars, and that'll be forty-eight thousand nine hundred and fifty." He grew suddenly excited and grabbed Morris by the arm. "Don't let's waste no time about it," he cried. "What's the use of memorandums? We go right away by Henry D. Feldman and fix up the contract." "Hold on."

"Well, boys," he said in greeting, "I got it a fine loft for you on Nineteenth Street with twicet as much floor space what you got here." "A loft!" Morris cried. "A loft," Henochstein repeated. "One loft?" Morris asked. "That's what I said," Henochstein replied, "one loft with twicet as much floor space, and it's got light on all " Morris waved his hand for silence.

"You was told distinctively we wanted it two lofts, not one, and here you come back with a one-loft proposition." Henochstein rose to leave. "If you think it you could get two up-to-date lofts on Seventeenth, Eighteenth or Nineteenth Street, Abe, for what you pay it here in this dinky place," he said, "you got another think coming." He opened the show-room door.