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You'd think a fellow that only had to cut coupons wouldn't be lookin' for another job, wouldn't you? He made me hitch my horse, and had me into his study, as he called it, and gave me a big glass of whiskey and soda. A fellow with buttons and a striped vest brought it on tiptoe.

They seemed to shut us far away from the human world below, and one felt that he had placed himself entirely in the hands of nature. This was her realm, where she acknowledged no laws but her own, and was incapable of sympathy, pity, or remorse. Author of "The Coupons of Fortune," "Henry," and other stories. When Mr.

"When I make up my mind I make up my mind, and that's all there is to it." Henochstein turned in crestfallen silence and passed slowly out of the room. "Them sharks ain't satisfied that you're giving away a house, Mawruss," Harris went on. "They want it you should let 'em have coupons and trading stamps with it." "How much did he offer you?" Morris asked.

"There were three classes of bonds in this issue those payable to bearer; those registered as to principal; and those fully registered, that is where the interest is paid by government check instead of the bonds having coupons. Naturally, under the circumstances, it was the 'payable-to-bearer' bonds that my client wanted." "Well, they're numbered, aren't they?" Meighan returned encouragingly.

You want to get me in on the ground floor, I have been in more things on the ground floor than anybody, but there was always another fellow in the cellar. You are figuring hens the way you do compound interest, but you are away off. Life is too short to wait for compound interest on a dollar to make a fellow rich, and cutting coupons off a hen is just the same.

How was I to know at first that they had you fooled? How was I to know you wasn't in the game?" "The game?" "Say, what else is it but a game? You must be on now, ain't you? Why. do they put up to keep the churches going? There ain't any coupons coming out of 'em. "Maybe some of these millionaires think they can play all the horses and win, get into heaven and sell gold bricks on the side.

When rationing came, one could eat the greater part of the week's beef allowance at a single meal in the home, but in a restaurant one could get four excellent meat meals in some restaurants even eight excellent meals in return for a week's coupons. There were, no doubt, parts of the country in which the housewife was hardly more restricted than the diner-out in restaurants.

The circus opened one afternoon in a large city one in which lived many thousands of men employed in a large ship-building plant. "There'll be big crowds here," said Mr. Moyne, as he walked toward the ticket wagon in preparation for the rush. "And it's here we'll have to look out for bogus coupons." "Why?" asked Joe, who was getting ready for his acts.

As he had with him only two hundred and fifty francs, he paid her the balance in United Cigar Stores coupons, some of which he chanced to have in his pocket-book, and which, he explained, was American war currency. He told me that he gave her almost enough to get a briar-pipe.

"In simpler and more archaic phrase, I can't afford you, Burgess, unless I pilfer for a living." "I don't eat much, sir." "No, you don't eat much." "I could quit drinking, sir." "That is really touching, Burgess. This alcohol pickled integument of yours covers a trusting heart. But it won't do. Heroics in a hall bedroom cut no coupons, my poor friend.