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At length the elevator arrived, and Jake, the shipping clerk, carried out the brown paper parcels comprising Feinholz's shipment. "If that's the last I seen of them garments," Abe said as he returned to the show-room, "I'm a lucky man." "Always you're beefing about something happening what ain't going to happen, Abe," Morris retorted.

Abe Potash shouted as he burst into the show-room one Saturday afternoon in April. "I ain't deaf, Abe," Morris replied. "Who did you seen it?" "J. Edward Kleebaum from Minneapolis," Abe answered. Morris shrugged. "What d'ye want me to do, Abe?" he asked. Abe ignored the question. "He promised he would come in at two o'clock and look over the line," he announced triumphantly.

Two days after Abe's return to New York he sat in Potash & Perlmutter's show-room, going over next year's models as published in the Daily Cloak and Suit Record. His partner, Morris Perlmutter, puffed disconsolately at a cigar which a competitor had given him in exchange for credit information.

"I won't charge you a cent; otherwise it'll be two hundred and fifty dollars." He touched the bell in token of dismissal. "This fellow, Grossman, is certainly a big money-maker," he said to himself, after Abe had gone, "for me." The following Saturday Abe sat in the show-room making up the weekly payroll, and with his own hand he drew a check to the order of Louis Grossman for forty dollars.

It is quite possible I may trouble you again, but in the meantime " "In the meantime I want you to come into the show-room and see the new sleeve just out from Paris it would improve the dress you have on amazingly. I suppose that was made in Swinton. And you must see Mademoiselle; she is with us still, and as positive as ever; and many of the young people you will recognise.

Wentworth saw, what I saw, clearly proved that Allen was in the auction- rooms, and had the confounded book in his hand, at an hour when, as he asserted, he had left the place for some time. But he must have come back again, of course, as at least four people could have sworn to his presence in the show-room at a quarter to four o'clock.

"Sometimes it pays to be sick. Ain't it?" "Never no more, Mawruss," said Abe Potash to his partner as they sat in the show-room of their spacious cloak and suit establishment one week after Abe's return from Pittsburgh. "Never no more, Mawruss, because it ain't good policy.

On the show-room side of the door, painted mauve within and not without, mannequins, so pink finger-tipped, so tilted of instep, and so bred in the thrust to the silhouette, trailed these sleazy products of thick ringers across mauve-colored carpet and before the appraising eyes of twenty states.

The great hall had become the show-room of the house, but even for this purpose its dimensions proved too small. Such was the quantity of curios and works of art collected by the conquering or travelled Roman that greater space was needed for the exhibition of their rarity or splendour.

Even in the midst of her misfortunes, even in the eclipse of old age, such words stirred Miss Joliffe's interest flowers, feathers, ribbons, mantles, and jackets; she saw the delightful show-room 19, 20, 21, and 22, Market Place, Cullerne saw it in the dignified solitude of a summer morning when a dress was to be tried on, saw it in the crush and glorious scramble of a remnant sale.