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And we ain't going to have less room than we got it here neither, Abe, because if we move we're going to do our own business just the same like we do it here, and that's flat." For the remainder of the day Abe avoided any reference to their impending removal, and it was not until Henochstein entered the show-room the following morning that the discussion was renewed.

"Well, the fact is," said Abe, "I told Marks Henochstein he should find it a couple lofts for us this morning, Mawruss, agreeing strictly that we should not pay him nothing, as he gets a commission from the landlord already." Morris received this admission with a scowl.

"Abe," he said, "this here Henochstein is a friend of yours; ain't it?" Abe nodded sulkily. "Well, take him out of here," Morris advised, "before I kick him out." He banged the show-room door behind him and repaired to Wasserbauer's Café and Restaurant across the street to await Henochstein's departure. "Mawruss is right," Abe declared.

"Marks Henochstein is a real-estater, Abe," Morris replied, "and when a real-estater tells you something, you got to make allowances fifty per cent. for facts." "I know," Abe cried; "but we don't have to hire no loft what we don't want to, Mawruss. Henochstein can't compel you to pay twicet as much what we're paying now. Ain't it?

"No, Abe, I don't want to work for no landlord all my life." "But I seen Marks Henochstein yesterday, Mawruss, and he told it me Klinger & Klein ain't paying half the rent what they pay down here. So, if we could get it two floors we wouldn't increase our expenses, Mawruss, and could do it maybe twicet the business."

And two other fellers by the name of Henochstein and Magnus?" Abe nodded. "Well, them three fellers took that house off of my hands and paid me six hundred dollars to boot, over and above the seven hundred and fifty I sunk in it." Abe and Morris puffed vigorously at their cigars. "And what's more," Louis went on, "they introduced me to Harris Rabin, of the Equinox Clothing Company.

"Forty-nine thousand is my figure, and that ain't forty-eight nine ninety-nine neither." Here he recognized Morris Perlmutter with an elaborate start and extended his hand in greeting. "Hallo, Mawruss," he said. "Them real-estaters pester the life out of a feller. 'Tain't no use your hanging around here, Henochstein," he called in sterner tones.

Henochstein, another member of the real-estate fraternity, was in intimate conference with Harris Rabin. "I think we got him going," he was saying. "My wife seen Mrs. Perlmutter at a Kaffeeklatsch yesterday, and she told her I made you an offer of forty-eight four-fifty for the house.