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Jones," Feldman interrupted, "I ought to explain to Mr. Kronberg the locus in quo." Aaron Kronberg turned pale and wiped a few drops of perspiration from his forehead. "What is there to explain, Mr. Feldman?" he broke in. "Go ahead and close the title to the property. I couldn't sit here all day." "There's a great deal to be explained," Feldman continued.

"Better get back inside if you don't want to blow out with me." "It's up to you, Dan," she told him, and there was all the sincerity in the world in her blue eyes. "I'm on your side now." He began counting on his fingers. "Let's see. The spare battery, the delay in arresting me, the choice of Matthews " "It was all true." Anger began to grow in her eyes. "Dan Feldman, you get inside this raft!

"You remember that you drew me up a burglar-proof contract between him and us a few weeks ago, and now I want you to be the burglar and bust it up for me." Feldman touched the button on his desk. "Bring me the draft of the contract between Potash & Perlmutter and Louis Grossman that I dictated last month," he said to the boy who answered. In a few minutes the boy returned with a large envelope.

No sooner did I get back to my store than I get a letter from Henry D. Feldman that Cohen & Schondorf want to settle for forty cents cash. On the head of that, mind you, in comes Rudolph Heller from Cincinnati, and when I tell him about the check what they sent it me he fixes it up on the spot." He beamed at Abe and Morris.

"Not yet," Morris said significantly, "but when Feldman hears of this, you would quick get a summons for a couple of thousand dollars damages which you done this young feller Schenkmann by making him false arrested." "It ain't no more than you deserve, Linkheimer," Abe added. "You're lucky I don't sue you for trying to make trouble between me and my partner yet."

"He is unable to convey good title to the property non constat he received a deed of it in 1890." "I never heard tell of the feller at all," Uncle Mosha exclaimed. "I am the only one which received a deed of the property." Feldman gazed at Uncle Mosha for one dazed moment and then proceeded. "The last owner in Mr.

"We were to damage it beyond repair, set fire to the whole place, if need be, and, at the same time, take away certain vital parts. "Harrison, Feldman, Ransom and I came in, thinking the coast was clear. But Koku must have seen us enter, or he suspected we were here, for he came in after us, and the fight began. We couldn't stop him, and he did for us.

The two grabbed Feldman's arms and dragged him along as the chief began pulling his way forward through the tubes up towards the control section of the ship. Feldman took a quick glance at their faces and made no effort to resist; they obviously would have enjoyed any chance to subdue him. They were stopped twice by minor officers, then sent on.

"I'm not fooling. And I was a doctor," he stated. "My name is Daniel Feldman." The attendant nodded absently, until the words finally penetrated. He looked up, studied Feldman with surprised curiosity and growing contempt, and reached for the phone. "Gimme Medical Directory," he muttered. Feldman felt the kid's eyes on his back as he stumbled through the aisles to his cot again.

He recovered completely, and was shocked at the heinous thing that had been done to him. They crucified Feldman. Spaceman Most crewmen lived rough, ugly lives and usually, short ones.