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At the end of the day's work, as Ailie was dropping her quaint curtsy and giving her adored employer a shy "gude nicht," he had a sudden thought that made him call her back. "Did you ever give a bit dog a washing, lassie?" "Ye mean Bobby, Maister Traill? Nae, I didna." Her eyes sparkled. "But Tammy's hauded 'im for Maister Brown, an' he says it's sonsie to gie the bonny wee a washin'." "Weel, Mr.

At last, all in a flash, he darted back to the grave, sniffed at it, and stood again, head up, plumy tail crested, all excitement, as much as to say: "Come awa' ower, man, an' leuk at the brave sicht." If he could have barked, his meaning would have carried more convincingly, but he "hauded 'is gab" loyally. And, alas, the caretaker was not to be beguiled. Mr.

And when she was deein', she askit for it, and she dee'd wi' it in her haun'. An' that verra nicht, when Donald an' me was sittin' fon'lin' her gowden curls an' biddin' ane anither no' to greet for ae broken hairt can comfort anither broken hairt he slippit the token frae oot her puir cauld wee haun', an' he read the writin' that's on't oot lood: 'This do in remembrance of Me, an' he says, 'I'll dae it in remembrance o' them baith, mither o' Christ an' oor Elsie an' when I show forth the Lord's death till He come, I'll aye think o' them baith, an' think o' them baith thegither in the yonderland Christ an' oor Elsie an' me an' you tae, mither, a' thegither in the Faither's hoose. An' a' the time o' the funeral he hauded the token ticht, an' he keepit aye sayin' till himsel', 'Christ an' oor Elsie an' us a'.