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An' gin it be as ye say he's promised to lead us into a' trowth, an' he'll lead me into that trowth. But I'm thinkin' it's mair for oor sakes than his ain 'at he cares aboot his glory. I dinna believe 'at he thinks aboot his glory excep' for the sake o' the trowth an' men's herts deein' for want o' 't. Mrs. Falconer thought for a moment.

"'Is Saunders deein', doctor? she cries. 'Ye promised tae wauken me; dinna tell me it's a' ower. "'There's nae deein' aboot him, Bell; ye're no tae lose yir man this time, sae far as a' can see. Come ben an' jidge for yersel'. "Bell lookit at Saunders, and the tears of joy fell on the bed like rain. "'The shadow's lifted, she said; 'he's come back frae the mooth o' the tomb.

I' th' second, hangin isn't a coomfortable way o' deein. Yo wait till I coom for yo, an when we'st ha got reet away, an can just laugh in her face if she riles us, that'll spite her mich moor nor murderin. The black eyes gleamed uncannily for a moment and the sobbing ceased. But the gleam passed away, and the child sat staring at the moorland distance, seeing nothing.

Shargar had met him at the coach. Robert had scarcely a word to say to him. And Shargar felt as dreary as Robert when he saw him sit down, and lay his head on the table without a word. 'What's the maitter wi' ye, Robert? he faltered out at last. 'Gin ye dinna speyk to me, I'll cut my throat. I will, faith! 'Haud yer tongue wi' yer nonsense, Shargar. Mr. Ericson's deein'.

'Very like a'st not see tha again, Davie. We niver know, Livin's hard soomtimes soa's deein, folks say. I'm often freet'nt of deein' but I should na be. Theer's noan so mich peace here, and we knaw that wi' the Lord theer's peace. He gave a long sigh all his character was in it so tortured was it and hesitating.

Eh, I remember when our missus reckoned hoo were deein' an' took a notion to mak' up a match between Margaret an' me " The rest of his narrative was drowned in a roar of laughter. Every one knew that story. "Hoo wouldn't ha' noan o' thee, would hoo Tom?" cried one. "Thy missus couldn't bear the notion of havin' all they dumb things about as Margaret sets sich store by?" queried another.

For God's sake, open, man! or ye may rue this hour to that o' your deein struggle, when Laird and Leddie may be in the moil there, ahint the auld chapel, and a' through the laziness o' their warder." "Raff i' the mire!" cried the warder saluting him after the custom of the times, when every man had a distinctive appellation, in the absence of sirnames.

And the doctor passed at a gallop through the village, whose lights shone across the white frost-bound road. "Come in by, doctor; a' heard ye on the road; ye 'ill hae been at Tammas Mitchell's; hoo's the gudewife? A' doot she's sober." "Annie's deein', Drumsheugh, an' Tammas is like tae brak his hert."

I was jist fain to du something like wash the feet o' her. Whan I cam in that day the day efter ye broucht her hame, ye ken the luik of her puir, bonny, begrutten facy jist turnt my hert ower i' the mids o' me. I maist think, gien I hadna been able to du onything for her afore she gaed, I wud hae come hame here to my ain hoose like a deein sheep, and lain doon.

"Eh, sich a to-do as he mak's about it you'd never believe," put in the wife, "he'll never let our Gaffer tak' a bit o' credit to hissel' eh, it's terrible how he goes on! I b'lieve if he were fair deein' he'd get up an' walk sooner nor let poor Martin ha' th' satisfaction o' sayin' he'd walked once oftener nor him.