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Your Non Plush Ultra will have to be a neat, ankle-length riding skirt. You got one, haven't you? "'I have, says she, 'a very pretty one of tan corduroy, almost new, but I had looked forward to these, and I don't see yet "Then I thought of another way I might get to her without blurting out the truth.

Confessing their faults one to another, and asking pardon of the Lord Abbot or his representative, the prior, was one thing; but to have a querulous or inquisitive or even hostile bishop coming and intruding into their secrets, blurting them out to the world and actually pronouncing sentence upon them that seemed to the monks an absolutely intolerable and shocking condition of affairs.

And by-and-by Harriet warms up and begins to tell about the Scribners, the MacIntoshes, and the Strayers, who are our progenitors. "The Aikens," says Miss Aiken, "were always like that downright and outspoken. It is an Aiken trait. No Aiken could ever help blurting out the truth if he knew he were to die for it the next minute." "That was like the Macintoshes," Harriet puts in.

"Oh, no it isn't that." Marjorie swallowed hard, in the effort to keep her voice calm. Then, blurting it out, "I've lost my canoe!" Lily stood perfectly still in open-mouthed amazement, while Alice, assisted here and there by Marjorie, told of the afternoon's adventure. But Lily smiled reassuringly. "You're worrying yourself needlessly, Marj. Somebody's borrowed it, of course!

Fiske, as she prepared to obey; while Sally, seeing that her public exhibition of sorrow and sympathy could be indulged but an instant longer, unwound herself for a violent paroxysm, blurting between stops: 'If he'd ony've gone to his last bed comfortable!... If he'd ony 've been that decent as not for to go to his last bed with his clothes on! ... If he'd ony've had a comfortable sheet!... It makes a woman feel cold to think of him full dressed there, as if he was goin' to be a soldier on the Day o' Judgement!

I and my friend " There she stopped, evidently on the point of blurting out the name which she had been forbidden to utter in my hearing. The lady smiled; her provokingly familiar eyes rested on me with a humorous enjoyment of the scene. "My dear," she said to Miss Jillgall, "caution ceases to be a virtue when it ceases to be of any use.

These he thought it his duty to lay before Mr Popham. Unfortunately that young gentleman took up the information hotly and unwisely, blurting out the whole matter to Jones, instead of watching his conduct narrowly and then judging for himself. Jones affected the most virtuous indignation when charged with fraud by Mr Popham.

Contrary to all his expectations, therefore, the girl must have gone home. The thought of seeing her again roused his anger to its highest pitch. All the way down the Rue Royale and across the Place de la Concorde he kept blurting out words of revenge and threats which he was itching to carry out. He would abuse Florence. He would sting her with his insults.

"Back in the old days, after Pizarro," she hurried on, no longer able to choose her words, but blurting the thing out directly, "an ancestor of mine was murdered by an Inca dagger." She stopped again and looked about, actually frightened at her own temerity, evidently. Kennedy and his twentieth-century surroundings seemed again to reassure her. "I can't tell you the story," she resumed.

"Well," she said gaily, "has moral force been applied? Are you going to the Recording Angel?" "Hush, Agatha," said Miss Carpenter. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself." "No, but you ought, you goose. A nice row you have got me into!" "It was your own fault. You tore my dress." "Yes, when you were blurting out that I sometimes slide down the banisters."