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Williams; but I never think o' that thar renegade, Simon Girty, but I inwardly pray for the curse o' an avenging God to light upon him; and come it will, ayther soon or late, you may depend on't!" "Amen to that thar sentiment!" responded the dame; while the stranger became very much agitated, on account, as he said, of a violent pain in his side, to which he was subject. Mrs.

An' I'm not goin' to be happy here, ayther." "I don't want to be a lady. An' they won't make me one ayther if I can help it. 'Ye can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, that's what me father always said. An' that's what I am. I'm a sow's ear." She stopped, her eyes fixed on the ground. Jerry was more than moved at this entirely human and natural outbreak.

There's no a hair on ayther o' the Weirs that hasna mair spunk and dirdum to it than what he has in his hale dwaibly body! Settin' up his snash to me! Let him gang to the black toon where he's mebbe wantit birling on a curricle wi' pimatum on his heid making a mess o' himsel' wi' nesty hizzies a fair disgrace!"

"I tell you this ayther you come down here right this secont or I shut the window and you can be off or you can go to the divil or go anywheres you please for all of me, because I'm an overworked woman and I need my rest and I've no more time to waste on you." "Wait, please; I'm coming immediately," called out Mr. Leary.

'There's one thing fixed and sure, my dear, she said, 'and that is as follows: ayther you must find a mind to wed one of 'em, or you must pluck up a spirit and tell 'em you'll wed nayther. 'I have told Mr. Thistlewood that I can never marry him, said Bertha. 'And what about Lane? her mother asked her. 'I can never marry him either, the girl answered steadily.

'Why, says you, 'for settin' a man out i' this half-an'-half mode for the folks to laugh at. Give me a collar and a cravat this minute, you says, or else be ashamed o' thyself. Be ayther a man or a mouse. That's the way to talk to 'em, Joseph." "Think so?" asked Joseph, with an air half martial and half doubtful.

"Wa'al now," the captain struck in, with enthusiasm, "this I say, That whether your opinions flatter me or not, you are a young woman of sense, and spirit, and feeling; and I'd sooner have you by my side in the hour of danger, than a good half of the men I've ever fallen in with or fallen out with, ayther."

"It's diffirint intirely from a Mexican piece, and not like our own nayther. It's a way he has in loadin' it." "Well what of that?" "Why, Raowl says one of them axed him who fired. Now, I heerd a shot, for my ear was close till the door here. It was beyant like; but I cud swear upon the blissed crass it was ayther the sargint's rifle or another as like it as two pays." "It is very strange!"

"Will, thin," continued Mick, "ez Oi came out on dick oop the fore- hatchway, be the powers, I says, sure, a tirrible big black thing roight foreninst me, wid its long arrums stritched oot on ayther soide; an' whin Oi looked oop fur to say if the onairthly craychur hed ony hid on him "

"Eh, what am I to do wi' burnin' candle of a Sunday, when there's on'y me an' it's sin to do a bit o' knittin'? The daylight's long enough for me to stare i' the booke as I canna read. It 'ud be a fine way o' shortenin' the time, to make it waste the good candle. But which on you's for ha'in' supper? Ye mun ayther be clemmed or full, I should think, seein' what time o' night it is."