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It was the "my dear" that struck Eleanor's ear as odd. The manner said plainly as words could say "You weren't before; but you are now." "Oh, it was rather hot," answered Eleanor quietly. "Y're on the wrong soide. Y're in the sun. If y'll sit over b'side off me, my dear gurl " Eleanor nearly exploded.

We con put th' two nags soide by soide, if yo choose." "They shall be put side by side in the field, Peter that's the way to test their respective merit," returned Nicholas, "and they won't remain long together, I'll warrant you. I offered to make a match for twenty pieces with Master Richard, but he declined the offer. Harkee, Peter, break an egg in Robin's mouth before you put on his bridle.

'Mother! I heard him say, 'Mother! an' that's all I heard him say and the mother waitin' away aff there by the Liffey soide. Aw, wurra, wurra, the b'ys go down to battle and the mothers wait at home! Some of the b'ys come back, but the most of thim shtay where the battle laves 'em. Wurra, wurra, many's the b'y wint down that day by Alma River, an' niver come back!

"It stonds behind yon kloof, ot soide o' t' moor, wi' a rindle in front." "Now mind what you say, sirrah," cried Potts. "You are quite sure the hut is behind the clough; and the rindle, which, being interpreted from your base vernacular, I believe means a gutter, in front of it?"

"The matter does not require consideration, sirrah," cried Nowell. "I must have an instant answer." "So yo shan," replied Jem; "weel, then, th' dyke begins near a little mound ca'd Turn Heaod, about a hundert yards fro' my dwellin', an runs across th' easterly soide o't moor till it reaches Knowl Bottom." "You will swear this?" cried Potts, scarcely able to conceal his satisfaction.

An' whin two hundred an' thirty-wan votes laves wan soide minus an' the other soide plus, th' gineral result is a difference uv twoice two hundred an' thirty-wan, or foor hundred an' sixty-two. D'ye mind thot, sorr?" "I see," said Perkins. "And as this ah this particular candidate was beaten by a bare majority of two or three hundred votes "

"Yeigh, theere be one ot t'other soide," replied Sparshot, "boh it be locked, ey reckon, an maybe hoo'n getten out that way." "Quick, quick, and let's see," cried Potts; "justice must not be thwarted in this shameful manner."

However, I soon scrambled aat o' th' dike, and after a good bit o' trying I maanted agean and set off on th' road; but I hadn't gone far before I faan some'at wor wrang wi' th' bridle. I couldn't guide th' beast roight somehaa, so I felt abaat to try if I could foind aat what it wor, and behold I had gotten th' bridle all on one soide.

Up at the end of our loines on the other side of the river is a deep ravine. If Oi kin get across with a good horse and slip through the Indian loines on the other soide, I can, by hard roidin' reach this loine in two or three hours. I have a pocket instrument wid me and can cut in and ask for re-enforcements from Fort Scott.

An' I thought that slip av a lad from the Liffey soide was houlding me hand, and sayin' 'Mother! Mother! and we both wint ashlape; an' the b'ys of the rigimint when Alma was over, they said to each other, the b'ys they said: 'Kilquhanity's dead. An' the trinches was dug, an' all we foine dead b'ys was laid in long rows loike candles in the trinches.