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Lord Hermiston sat in the saddle beholding her. Then he seemed to recover command upon himself. "Well, it's something of the suddenest," said he. "But she was a dwaibly body from the first." And he rode home at a precipitate amble with Kirstie at his horse's heels. Dressed as she was for her last walk, they had laid the dead lady on her bed.

There's no a hair on ayther o' the Weirs that hasna mair spunk and dirdum to it than what he has in his hale dwaibly body! Settin' up his snash to me! Let him gang to the black toon where he's mebbe wantit birling on a curricle wi' pimatum on his heid making a mess o' himsel' wi' nesty hizzies a fair disgrace!"

There's no a hair on ayther o' the Weirs that hasna mair spunk and dirdum to it than what he has in his hale dwaibly body! Settin' up his snash to me! Let him gang to the black toon where he's mebbe wantit birling in a curricle wi' pimatum on his heid making a mess o' himsel' wi' nesty hizzies a fair disgrace!"

But it was a strange thing how misfortune dogged him in his efforts to be genial. I must guard the reader against accepting Kirstie's epithets as evidence; she was more concerned for their vigour than for their accuracy. Dwaibly, for instance; nothing could be more calumnious. Frank was the very picture of good looks, good humour, and manly youth.

But it was a strange thing how misfortune dogged him in his efforts to be genial. I must guard the reader against accepting Kirstie's epithets as evidence; she was more concerned for their vigour than for their accuracy. Dwaibly, for instance; nothing could be more calumnious. Frank was the very picture of good looks, good humour, and manly youth.

He aye said you were an Australian.... And you're a business man! That's grand hearing and puts my mind at rest. You must take charge of the party at the House, for Sir Archibald's a daft young lad and Mr. Heritage is a poet. I thought I would have to go myself, but I doubt I would just be a hindrance with my dwaibly legs. I'd be better outside, watching for the police.... Are you ready, sir?"

Lord Hermiston sat in the saddle beholding her. Then he seemed to recover command upon himself. "Weel, it's something of the suddenest," said he. "But she was a dwaibly body from the first." And he rode home at a precipitate amble with Kirstie at his horse's heels. Dressed as she was for her last walk, they had laid the dead lady on her bed.

Jowett, with her lace and her delicate, faded tints; and her tears of sentiment and her marvellous maids!" "A good woman," said Mrs. Hope, "but silly. She fears a draught more than she does the devil. I'm always reminded of her when I read Weir of Hermiston. She has many points in common with Mrs. Weir 'a dwaibly body. Of the two, I really prefer Mrs. Duff-Whalley.