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"May he fare better than Alkamenes and the others, whom you sent home! You know I will not force your inclinations, but, if I am to lose Mopsus, I should like a pleasant son. Why has Phaon fallen into such foolish, evil ways? The young Leonax " "Is of a different stamp," interrupted Semestre "Now come, my dove, I have a thousand things to do." "Go," replied Xanthe. "I'll come directly.

"May he fare better than Alkamenes and the others, whom you sent home! You know I will not force your inclinations, but, if I am to lose Mopsus, I should like a pleasant son. Why has Phaon fallen into such foolish, evil ways? The young Leonax " "Is of a different stamp," interrupted Semestre "Now come, my dove, I have a thousand things to do." "Go," replied Xanthe. "I'll come directly.

"May he fare better than Alkamenes and the others, whom you sent home! You know I will not force your inclinations, but, if I am to lose Mopsus, I should like a pleasant son. Why has Phaon fallen into such foolish, evil ways? The young Leonax " "Is of a different stamp," interrupted Semestre " Now come, my dove, I have a thousand things to do." "Go," replied Xanthe. "I'll come directly.

Now in the collection of Sir Peter Purbecke, at Wricklesmarsh Court, Black-heath. "This noble work has been indifferently assigned to various periods; the most general opinion, however, pronounces it to be a copy of an earlier work of Alkamenes, or possibly Kephisodotos.