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Isidore Belchatosky's face was so wreathed in smiles and foreign matter as to be beyond identification; Nathan Spiderwitz had placed all his trust in a solitary suspender and two unstable buttons; Eva Kidansky had entirely freed herself from restraining hooks and eyes; Isidore Applebaum had discarded shoe-laces; and Abie Ashnewsky had bartered his only necktie for a yard of "shoe-string" licorice.

"Yes, and he'll bring one back," I puts in, "or I don't know Abie Bloom. About five and costs will be the bill. But it ought to be worth it." "It would, every cent," says she, "if we had the five." "In that case," says I, "you'd better do a sudden duck." "But where to!" says she, glancin' desperate down the stairs.

"Excuse me," said Abe; "I ain't been introduced to this young lady yet." "Why, I thought you knew her," Morris said. "This is Miss Smith, the trained nurse which was so good to my Minnie when my Abie was born." "Is that so?" Abe cried.

During this mad attack Abie squirmed through the mob and plucked at Marx's sleeve. It was his third report. "The old bird is settin' out there in the corner of the stall all by himself, chewin' a straw. Says he's so disgusted he don't care if he sees the race or not. I started to kid him about bein' such a crab and, honest, I was afraid he'd bite me!" Mr.

After luncheon I sent out my advance cards and took up a book. My mind was perfectly easy, because I knew just exactly what was going to happen. "At a quarter to six, Abie, Alex's boy, disturbed me while I was in the middle of a chapter and said: 'Papa wants to see you right away. The store closes at six.

"Don't say I told you," says I, "but they're thinkin' of puttin' in left-handed straps for south-paw passengers." Izzy looks pained and disgusted. He's got a serious mind, Izzy has, and if you could take a thumbprint of his brain, it would be all fractions and dollar signs. "I have to meet my cousin Abie Moss," says he, edgin' away.

Stick around close and shoot me back word by Abie. The rest of these fellows have got 20 to 1 on him; he's 15 to 1 in this book until I hear from you. Hurry, now!" There were ten horses entered in the final race of the meeting, and nine of them were strongly touted as "good things."

"Two solid customers that buy every dollar from you." "And," continued Johnny, "Leah and Abie are as happy as two birds in a nest. I don't know but these marriages arranged by the old folks turn out as well as the others anyhow." "It's not alone by doing a good turn to your customer that you gain his good will," said the hat man.

"'Papa says, come over. He wants to see you, said Abie. "As I went into the store a minute before six, Alex was pacing up and down the floor. My samples were spread upon the show case. "'Eff you vant your samples, dake 'em avay yourself. Do you subbose I raice poys to vait on draveling men? said Alex. He was keeping up his bluff well. "With this I began to stack together my samples. "'Vait!

As striking proofs of this, we refer our readers to Mr. Wedgwood's treatment of the words abide, abie, allow, danger, and denizen. When he differs from other authorities, it is never inconsiderately or without examination. Now and then we think his derivations are far-fetched, when simpler ones were lying near his hand.