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W and R. Chambers, Edinburgh, 1874. The Poets and Poetry of Scotland, from James I to the Present Time, with biographical Sketches and critical Remarks, by the Rev ANDREW R. BONAR. Edinburgh, Maclachlan and Stewart, 1866. The Poems of ALLAN RAMSAY, with Glossary, Life of the Author, and Remarks on his Poems, a new edition. Paisley, Alex. Gardner, 1877.

Daudet's love for his native land was intense. Its images were ever present to him; its poetry haunted him throughout his life. He urged young men ambitious of literary laurels to remain in their native provinces, to draw their inspiration from the soil, confident that something great and beautiful would result. Why did he not take for himself the counsel he so incessantly offered to others?

An Essay on English Poetry with notices of the British Poets, by THOMAS CAMPBELL. London, John Murray, 1848. Lectures on the English Poets, delivered at the Surrey Institution, by WILLIAM HAZLITT. Lecture VII. On Burns and the old English Ballads. Satire and Satirists, by JAMES HANNAY. Lecture V: Political Satire and Squibs, Burns. London, David Bogue, 1854.

Sur le continent européen, cette idée était chose peu commune en 1770. Dix ans seulement s'étaient écoulés depuis qu'en Angleterre les poèmes d'Ossian avaient été publiés; cinq ans seulement depuis la première édition des Reliques of Ancient English Poetry de Percy, et l'influence de ces deux livres, qui sera énorme, commençait