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Par la présente écriture, faite

J'en ai effectivement peu vu qui soient précieux par leur ancienneté, leur rareté, la nature de l'ouvrage; mais beaucoup sont curieux par leur écriture, leur conservation, et spécialement par leurs miniatures; et ces miniatures seront un objet intéressant pour les personnes qui, comme moi, entreprendont l'histoire des arts dans les bas siècles.

Her present claim to fame is based upon the brilliancy of her salon. The future will possibly remember Mme. Alphonse Daudet more as the wife of the great Daudet than as a writer, although, according to M. Jules Lemaître, she possessed the gift of écriture artiste to a remarkable degree.

The style is lush and turgid, not at all the sort of style I approve of now, but perhaps not unsuited to the subject; and there are a great many more adverbs and adjectives than I should use today. I fancy I must have been impressed by the écriture artiste which the French writers of the time had not yet entirely abandoned, and unwisely sought to imitate them.

"Well, then, he will tell you. The Belgian is very jealous; but I am always at home between three and four; this is my card." Graham eagerly took the card, and exclaimed, "Is this you're your own handwriting, Madame?" "Yes, indeed." "Tres belle ecriture," said Graham, and receded with a ceremonious bow. "Anything so unlike her handwriting!

"Well, then, he will tell you. The Belgian is very jealous; but I am always at home between three and four; this is my card." Graham eagerly took the card, and exclaimed, "Is this you're your own handwriting, Madame?" "Yes, indeed." "Tres belle ecriture," said Graham, and receded with a ceremonious bow. "Anything so unlike her handwriting!

Verse, however exquisite, is almost valueless if its appeal is merely technical or merely academic, if it pleases only the sophisticated palate of the dilettant, if it fails to touch the heart of the plain people. That which vauntingly styles itself the écriture artiste must reap its reward promptly in praise from the précieuses ridicules of the hour.

This was before the publication of the 'Greville Memoirs, and not on account of it. To Aix in the end of May. Longman was with me. Home on June 4th. From M. Guizot Val Richer, ce 22 juillet. My Dear Sir, Je reponds a votre aimable lettre du 14 juillet, et je commence par supprimer mon ecriture.

Ce manuscrit, auquel son écriture, sa conservation, ses miniatures, et le beaux choix de son vélin donnent déj