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I hoped you might when I gave it to you. Now you run along, and I'll wash dishes. If cleanliness is next to godliness, then a parson ought to eat out of clean plates." As a matter of fact, the minister's calls were in the nature of a compromise, although an unintentional one. He dropped in on Zebedee Mayo, owner of the big house on the slope of the hill.

Solomon was the wisest man as ever lived, and Job the most patient the same as I be and Elijah, the Tishbite, the most justest." "You better finish up with all the Psalms of David, and the Holy Children, and the Burial Service. No more call for Parson Twemlow, or the new Churchwarden come in place of Cheeseman, because 'a tried to hang his self. Zebedee Tugwell in the pulpit!

"Wants to?" "I didn't say so, did I? Notya is not to know." "And Zebedee?" "Of course he knows." Rupert was frowning on her with a troubled look, and she knew he was trying to understand, that he was anxious not to hurt her. "I'm damned if I understand it," John muttered. Her lips had a set smile. "I'm sure," she said lightly, "you'll never be damned for that.

They gave her and Zebedee something impersonal to talk of when he came on his weekly visit. "It's no good telling me," she warned him firmly, "that my poplars are not really there. I can feel them and see them and hear them always hear them. If they weren't there, they would be! If I exist, so do they." "Quite so. You're doing very well. I told you the medicine would turn to food."

You only hurt yourself, you know, when you speak like that." Miriam pouted and was silent, and Helen was not sure whether to be angry with Zebedee for speaking thus to her who must be spoiled, or glad that he could do it to one so beautiful, while he could preserve friendliness for a prig.

"She and your cousin are mighty thick," Zebedee said reflectively. "That's a fact." "Thicker than they ought to be for the girl's good, I guess," agreed Tunis. Then he said to Horry: "What's the matter with you, old man? Do you want to desert me, too, all along of a broken oar with some silly letters burned into it?" The ancient mariner had got a grip upon himself.

It was broad daylight when Joan, having once before failed to make her uncle hear, gave such a vigorous rap that, starting up, the old man cried, "Ay, ay, mate!" and with all speed unfastened the door. Joan crept in and some conversation ensued, in the midst of which, as the recollection of the events just past occurred to his mind, Zebedee asked, "What was up with Adam?"

You just put that down somewheres so you won't forget it. "And this mornin'," crowed Captain Zebedee, concluding his long yarn, "after that, mind you, that lubber Zach Foster is around town tellin' folks that his schooner had been over the course so often she COULDN'T get lost. She found her way home herself. WHAT do you think of that?"

We are not surprised that when Jesus called the sons of Zebedee to follow him, he did not call their father, and that the disciples, like Jesus himself, were all men without family entanglements.

Be guided by me, and see if my plan don't succeed better than yours." "Well," answered Zebedee, "I guess, arter all, Jackie, you may be right. You've seen the big varmint, and feel a kind of o' acquainted with him, so you see I won't insist on my plan, if you've any better. Now, what I want to know is, what's your idee of comin' it over the critter?"