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Hussy treated the offer with scorn, whereupon his attendant, "a stout lubber, began to reprove him for not relenting to so rich a proffer."

They all seemed to take their cue from the captain, who was a drunken, blaspheming, and cruel vagabond. This man from the first took a savage hatred to Eric, partly because he was annoyed with Davey for bringing him on board. The first words he addressed to him were "I say, you young lubber, you must pay your footing." "I've got nothing to pay with. I brought no money with me."

And of this latter accomplishment he proceeded to give us certain examples which sounded like cannon-shots delivered at close quarters. "Get home with you!" cried Ysolinde; "I cannot have thee following us. There are two men presently to meet us, to guard us to Plassenburg, and we do not need you, Jan Lubber Fiend. Get back and take care of my father."

As soon as breakfast was finished the captain went on deck. His eye rested on the floe to the westward. "Where are your eyes, you Irish lubber?" he shouted to the steersman. "Don't you see yon ice closing in on us? You ought to have let me know of this." "Blest if I can see much change," muttered Bok. "But I can. The channel is narrowed by half. We shall never get clear of it before we are nipped.

"Two guineas!" roared Merry, shaking it at Silver. "That's your seven hundred thousand pounds, is it? You're the man for bargains, ain't you? You're him that never bungled nothing, you wooden-headed lubber!" "Dig away, boys," said Silver with the coolest insolence; "you'll find some pig-nuts and I shouldn't wonder." "Pig-nuts!" repeated Merry, in a scream. "Mates, do you hear that?

Holystone decks and wash down, ye lazy lubber." Jack groaned and scowled as he rolled over to ease his aching bones. He was in no mood for jesting. There was no land in sight nor the gleam of a sail, naught but the empty waste of the Atlantic, and the wind still held westerly. "Let's have the beggarly morsel you miscall breakfast, Joe, and a swig from the breaker. Are we bound across the main?"

And if an Englishman and a Dane chanced to méet at anie bridge or streight passage, the Englishman must staie till the Lord Dane were passed. For when the people in manie parts of this realme will note and signifie anie great idle lubber that will not labour nor take paine for his liuing, they will call him Lordane.

Didn't you know that if I'd realized that swab had borrered my gun to kill my cat that would have been enough? If the critter had stole a million chickens 'twouldn't have made any difference if I'd known THAT. The cheeky lubber! Well, he won't shoot at anything of ours for one spell, I'll bet. But why didn't you tell me?" Mary-'Gusta's answer was promptly given.

They moved over danceable lawns or under the canopies of dim avenues, chattering of arms, till the soft October air tingled with the names of famous fencers, and Halfman was in fancy a lubber lad again at his first passado. But his wonder grew with their wanderings. They paused at the bowling-green and played a game which Evander won.

But granted the ice and the legs, then if you begin in the elastic days of youth, when cold does not sting, tumbles do not bruise, and duckings do not wet; if you have pluck and ardor enough to try everything; if you work slowly ahead and stick to it; if you have good taste and a lively invention; if you are a man, and not a lubber; then, in fine, you may become a Great Skater, just as with equal power and equal pains you may put your grip on any kind of Greatness.