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Colonel Streight not arriving, I fell back with the advance to Great Bear Creek, where the rest of the command was posted, to await his coming. Sunday afternoon, Colonel Streight commenced landing his force at Eastport, but came poorly prepared for his contemplated movement. He had two thousand infantry and about one thousand mules.

So utterly exhausted, however, were the Federals that many of them went to sleep as they lay in line of battle behind the ridge while looking along their gun barrels with finger on trigger. The game was fairly up. Forrest sent in a flag of truce, with a demand for surrender. Streight asked for an interview, which was readily granted. "What terms do you offer?" asked Streight.

The Cedars, which cloath'd the middle Part of the Summit, were streight, tall, and so large, that seven Men would hardly fathom the Bowl of one; round these twin'd the grateful Honey-suckle, and encircling Vine, whose purple Grapes appearing frequent from among the Leaves of the wide extended Branches, gave an inconceivable Pleasure to the Beholder.

They have also five pieces of artillery at Florence and six pieces at Tuscumbia. Brigadier-General. Upon notification of General Rosecrans of the movement of Colonel Streight, I moved out to carry out the combined plan, engaging the enemy at Little Bear and Tuscumbia, and defeated them as my report shows.

I moved forward Monday morning, and drove the enemy across Town Greek that night, and ascertained that they were in force, under Forrest, on the opposite bank. That night I communicated with Colonel Streight, at Mount Hope, and ascertained that he was all right. Tuesday morning the creek rose ten feet, and the current was so swift that neither horse nor man could cross.

Okes there are as faire, straight, tall, and as good timber as any can be, and also great store, and in some places very great. Walnut trees, as I haue said before very many, some haue bene seene excellent timber of foure and fiue fadome, and aboue fourescore foote streight without bough. Firre trees fit for masts of ships, some very tall and great.

At the entrance of those two riuers we saw many and great store of Whales and Sea horses. Ouerthwart the said Islands there is another little riuer that runneth along those marrish grounds about 3 or 4 leagues, wherein there is great store of water foules. That riuer is very deepe, high, and streight, wherefore it is very dangerous for any vessell to goe vpon it.

Java Head, from which I took my departure, lies in latitude49' S., longitude 258° 12' W. Prince's Island, where we lay about ten days, is, in the Malay language, called Pulo Selan, and in the language of the inhabitants, Pulo Paneitan. It is a small island, situated in the western mouth of the Streight of Sunda.

Colonel Streight had reached Gadsden, four miles away, when to his surprise and dismay he heard once more the shouts of his indefatigable foemen as they rode up at full speed. It seemed as if nothing could stop the sleuth-hounds on his track.

Look how the wantons frisk to taste the air, Then to the colder bottome streight they dive, Eftsoon to Neptun's glassie Hall repair, To see what trade they great ones there do drive Who forrage ore the spacious, sea-green field, And take the trembling prey before it yield, Whose armour is their scales, their spreading fins their shield.