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"Ave it your own way," he sang out. "Ole George ain't good enough for you, I see. I'll say good-day." The giant jerked his musket to his shoulder. "Come in!" he thundered. "Or I'll plug a hole through that great paunch o your'n." The fat man saw himself covered. He paddled back, grinning ghastly. "Avast there, Red Beard!" he tittered. "You're that asty. Can't you take a little joke?"

Yes yes I'll be actyve in helping little Hist, who's not only one of the best and handsomest maidens of the tribe, but the very best and handsomest. I've always encouraged you, chief, in that liking, and it's proper, too, that a great and ancient race like your'n shouldn't come to an end.

"Take a can of beer, lad," cried another, "and wet your whistle after that speech o' your'n to the captain. If any one o' us had made it, youngster, he would have had no whistle to wet by this time." "Stop your clapper, Jack," vociferated a third; "give the boy a junck o' meat. Don't you see he's a'most goin' to kick the bucket?"

"I'll even make shift ter do some o' your'n, an' yit " She paused a moment and he inquired, "Wa'al, what's on yore mind, Alexander?" "An' yit," she went on more slowly and thoughtfully, "I'd be mighty nigh willin' ter prove ther cause of ye gittin' in one or two good fights ef hit couldn't be brought ter pass no other way."

Bender bought that little fiddle of your'n," continued Uncle Ezra, with a peculiar wink, which brought the color to Jenny's cheeks; while Mary exclaimed, "Oh, I'm so glad you can have your guitar again." Here the conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the carriage, which came for the young ladies, who were soon on their way to Mr.

Then along comes this very worst evil," he gazed towards the camp on the slope, "and here it is, callin' me in the name o' my Country, tauntin', askin' me why I can't make up my mind to be a man!" Seth checked a groan. "You see," he went on, "we looks at it, sir, in different ways, but they both hurt. I be main sorry if my own trouble o' mind adds any weight to your'n.

"An' don't ye know thet the best thing ye kin do is to keep thet gapin' mouth o' your'n shet, so thet the flies won't git no chance to blow yer throat?" said the man whose nose had been aptly likened to a ripe red-pepper pod, "an' the next best thing's fur ye to git inter that cabin thar quicker'n blazes 'll scorch a feather, an' stay thar without makin' a motion toward gittin' away.

I want to talk to you; why, what are you in such a devil of a hurry for? I came out on purpose; do you think I am going to have all my long waiting for nothing?" Ellen did not know what to say, her heart sprang with a nameless pang to the thought, if she ever got free from this! Meanwhile she was not free. "Whose horse is that you're on?" "Mine," said Ellen. "Your'n! that's a likely story.

I 'low you knows dat jes as well as me." An embarrassed silence, and then from Mammy, "Whaffor you laffin at?" "Is the Colonel at home?" "Now I reckon you knows dat he ain't. Ef he was, you ain't come here 'quirin' in dat honey voice." You done come heah to rifle, an' to loot, an' to steal, an' to seize what ain't your'n. You come heah when young Marse ain't to home ter rob him."

Mind you, I ain't sayin' nothin' 'ginst dis new man nur 'ginst dem w'ich chooses to follow 'long after his teachin's. Ise jes' sayin' dat so fur ez my jinin' in wid dis yere lodge is concern' you's wastin' yore breath. Better pass along, honey, to de nex' one on dat list of your'n, 'thout you's a mind to stay yere an' watch me dish up Jedge Priest's vittles fur 'im."