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"One moment, please. In that case the private secretary must take your message." Mr. Brunger laid down the receiver; took a turn across the room; approached the telephone; in a very deep bass asked, "Are you there?" The frantic narrative that was poured into his ears he punctuated with heavy, guttural "Certainly's," "Yes's," "We comprehend's," "We follow you's." Then: "Mr. David Brunger himself?

The chambermaid is involved in your disgrace: she is received with blunt No's and Yes's, as dry as Brussells rusks, which she swallows with a slanting glance at you. "Monsieur's always doing these things," she mutters. You alone might have changed Madame's temper. She goes to bed; she has her revenge to take: you did not comprehend her. Now she does not comprehend you.

Fifteen years of yes's had beaten Mrs. Gilbert. Fifteen further years of that incessant unaffirmative affirmative, accompanied by the perpetual flicking of ash-mushrooms from thirty-two thousand cigars, had broken her. To this husband of hers she made the last concession of married life, which is more complete, more irrevocable, than the first she listened to him.

The idea seemed to come into existence fully-grown, without preliminary discussion. One moment it was not the next it was. His recollections of the afternoon which he spent drinking lukewarm tea and punctuating Miss Verepoint's flow of speech with "yes's" and "no's" were always so thoroughly confused that he never knew even whose suggestion it was.

"Heaven be praised that once I hear a 'no' from you! That heap of yes's began already to make me nervous. Then you too are among his opponents?" "Yes." Meantime they had reached the gate of Sárvölgyi's house. Here Lorand stopped and would proceed no further. Madame Bálnokházy clasped Melanie's hand that she might not go in front.

As soon as Chia Cheng caught this hint, he speedily assented several consecutive yes's; and when he had further done his best to induce old lady Chia to have a cup of wine, he eventually withdrew out of the Hall. On his return to his bedroom, he could do nothing else than give way to cogitation, and, as he turned this and turned that over in his mind, he got still more sad and pained.

Pao-yue assented several consecutive yes's; whereupon madame Wang drew him by her side and made him sit down, and while his three cousins resumed the seats they previously occupied: "Have you finished all the pills you had been taking a short while back?" madame Wang inquired, as she rubbed Pao-yue's neck. "There's still one pill remaining," Pao-yue explained by way of reply.

If you preserve him from harm, it will be tantamount to preserving me from harm, and I shall certainly not be ungrateful to you for it." Hsi Jen said several consecutive yes's, and went on her way. She got back just in time to see Pao-yue awake.

In these letters he found his own hard "No's" expressed with a courtesy that softened them even to the most bitterly disappointed; his arrogant "Yes's," with a delicacy that could not wound the self-love of the most sensitive petitioner; and his intermediate, doubtful answers rendered with a clearness of which by their very nature they seemed incapable.

Do you understand me, yes or no? The young ladies and ladies have all come out of town to-day, and not a single outsider must be permitted to put his foot in here." "I understand," replied Lin Chih-hsiao hurriedly signifying his obedience. Next he uttered several yes's. "Now," proceeded Chia Chen; "you can go on your way. But how is it, I don't see anything of Jung Erh?" he went on to ask.