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His face beamed like that of some young student who was glorying in his first duel. But he could not understand the effect his narration had caused. Topándy's face became suddenly more determined, more serious; he gazed often at Lorand. Once Desiderius too looked up at his brother, who was wiping his tear-stained eyes with his handkerchief. "You are weeping?" inquired Desiderius.

To appeal the more to Lorand's feelings, and to show him how her hands trembled she tore off her beautiful ball gloves, and grasped his hands in her own and then sobbed before him. As she touched him Lorand began to feel, instead of his previous tomblike chillness, a kind of agitating heat as if the cold bony hand of death had given over his hand to some other unknown demon.

At that moment Lorand appeared beside her. At the first cry he had rushed from his room and, unarmed, hastened to Czipra's aid. The girl was still struggling with the robber, holding him back, by sheer force, from entering the door. Lorand sprang towards her, and dealt the intruder such a blow with his fist in the face, that two of his teeth were broken.

Had I done so, I could never have told her what Lorand wrote from a distance, how he greeted and kissed them a thousand times! "I know, mother dear." "Tell me quickly, where he is." "He is in a safe place, mother dear," said I encouragingly, and hastened to tell all I might relate.

One beautiful summer afternoon my little son rushed to me with the news that his uncle Lorand was lying on the floor in the middle of the room, and would not rise. With the worst suspicions, I hastened to his side. When I entered his room, he was lying, not on the floor, but on the bed. He lay face downward on the bed. "What is the matter?" I asked, taking his hand.

It was about midnight when the carriage drew up at the inn mentioned. Lorand leaped down from the box, and hastened first into the inn, not wishing to meet the lady who was within the carriage. His heart beat loudly, when he caught a glimpse of that silver-harnessed horse in the inn-yard, saddled and bridled.

Lorand was sleeping in the room vis-

Each one was suffering from some nervous perturbation which made his face a glaring contrast to the gaping, frozen features without. I was greatly relieved at not seeing Lorand among the accused. They did not know one of the chief leaders of the secret-writing conspiracy.

And once again he grasped Lorand's hand tenderly, as one who was incapable of expressing in words all the good wishes with which his heart was brimming over. "You see I should have been a good general after all," said Lorand smiling. "How beautifully I captured the besieging army." "Oh, not at all; the blockade is still being kept up."

"You always were a jesting boy, Pepi: at that time you made me draw lots for you, and told me to put both the one I had drawn and the other in the grate: but instead of doing so I threw the dance programme in the fire, and put those papers aside and kept them. You, instead of your own, wrote my brother's name on the paper, and so whichever was drawn, Lorand Áronffy must have come out of the hat.