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It resembled a social club rather than a hotel. Her chair was placed in an alley along which people had to pass who wished to reach the glass covered veranda. She amused herself by trying to pick out the Wraggs, the Burnham-Joneses, and the de la Veres. Suddenly she was aware that Mrs. Vavasour and her son were coming that way; the son unwillingly, the mother with an air of determination.

"No," said Millicent, who wished now that she had bitten off the end of her tongue before she vented her spleen to the Vavasours and the Wraggs. "On second thoughts," went on Bower unconcernedly, "I forego the stipulation as to a letter of apology. I don't suppose Helen will value it. Assuredly, I do not." The cheapening of her surrender stung more than she counted on.

Helen, very new to a world of de Courcy Vavasours, and Wraggs, and Burnham-Joneses, forgave this hawklike pertinacity for sake of the apparent sympathy of her catechist. And she was painfully candid. "The weekly paper I represent is not at all well known," she explained; "but here I am, and I mean to enjoy my visit hugely. It is the chance of a lifetime to be sent abroad on such a mission.

He recounted little philanthropic misadventures of his own cases in which he had been humorously misled by the Captain Wraggs of this world, or beguiled by the authors of that polite correspondence begging letters. St. Gatien's. "And when are we likely to meet again?" he asked. "I really don't know," said Maitland.

I shall hand it on to the Wraggs." "There is no joke. I act as secretary to a German professor of entomology insects, you know; he makes beetles a specialty." The other woman's eye danced. "It is all very funny," she said, "and I still have my doubts. Never mind. I want to atone for earlier shortcomings.

Now that her vigil was explained, for Bower had advanced with ready smile and outstretched hand, the Wraggs and Vavasours and de la Veres all the little coterie of gossips and scandalmongers were drawn to the center of the hall like steel filings to a magnet. Millicent ignored Bower. She was young enough and pretty enough to feel sure of her ability to deal with him subsequently.