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In despite of the care that was taken of them, they died on the second day. Incisions were made through the skin, but in opening them no blood flowed. The venae cavae themselves did not contain any there were only two clots of blood in the cavities of their hearts.

In advanced absolute glaucoma the chorioid may become reduced to a very thin membrane consisting of connective tissue and pigmented cells, scarcely distinguishable even by moderate powers of the microscope. Atrophy is marked in the vicinity of the venae vorticosae. Czermak and Birnbacher describe proliferation of the endothelium of the large veins with contraction and obliteration of their lumen.

From the liver extend the venae cavae, one to supply the head and arms, the other the lower extremities: extending from the right heart was a branch, corresponding to the pulmonary artery, the arterial vein which distributed blood to the lungs. This was the closed venous system. Warmed in the ventricle, it distributed vital heat to all parts of the body.

In acute glaucoma the sclera appears to be edematous and slightly thickened. As the disease progresses the sclera becomes denser than normal. The oblique openings passages for the venae vorticosae are said to be narrowed. The openings for the passage of the anterior ciliary vessels are enlarged in many, particularly in advanced cases. Minute herniae at these openings are sometimes present.

Dilatation and tortuosity of the anterior ciliary veins are due apparently to excessive flow of blood through them on account of the abnormally small amount carried off by the venae vorticosae. In the stage of degeneration, ectasae of the sclera occur most frequently near the equator of the globe. Spontaneous rupture may take place. Anterior Chamber. The anterior chamber is shallow, as a rule.

Two pairs of valves are situate in the external jugular, and another pair in the internal jugular, but they do not prevent regurgitation of blood upward. An anomaly exists in the absence of valves from parts where they are most needed, such as the venae cavae, the spinal, iliac, haemorrhoidal, and portal veins.

But the vessels which convey the blood to the testes, from which the seed is made, are the arteriae spermaticae and there are two of them also. There are likewise two veins, which carry off the remaining blood, and which are called venae spermaticae. Urinary vesicle. A word of Advice to both Sexes, consisting of several Directions with regard to Copulation.

When the valves are raised and brought together, they form a three-cornered line, such as is left by the bite of a leech; and the more they are forced, the more firmly do they oppose the passage of the blood. The tricuspid valves are placed, like gate-keepers, at the entrance into the ventricles from the venae cavae and pulmonary veins, lest the blood when most forcibly impelled should flow back.

The right ventricle, in its turn being overworked, becomes dilated, and as a result of the inability of the right ventricle to evacuate its contents perfectly, the right auricle is unable to force its venous blood into the right ventricle, and there is then a damming back and sluggish circulation in the superior and inferior venae cavae.

When men saw both the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary veins losing themselves in the lungs, of course it became a puzzle to them to know how or by what means the right ventricle should distribute the blood to the body, or the left draw it from the venae cavae.