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Anthony denied that he crossed his arms closely. Rhoda pointed to his arms in evidence; and he snarled out: "There, now; 'cause I'm supposed to have saved a trifle, I ain't to sit as I like. It's downright too bad! It's shocking!" But, seeing that he did not uncross his arms, and remained bunched up defiantly, Rhoda silently observed him. She felt that money was in the room.

But just then an 'old Johnny' in a gown and long wig, looking awfully like a funny raddled woman, came through a door into the high pew opposite, and he had to uncross his legs hastily, and stand up with everybody else. 'Dartie versus Dartie! It seemed to Val unspeakably disgusting to have one's name called out like this in public!

"Don't let it be a curse to you," she said. And her voice was hoarse with agitation. "What?" Anthony asked. "What's a curse?" "That." Did she know? Had she guessed? Her finger was laid in a line at the bags. Had she smelt the gold? "It will be a curse to you, uncle. Death is coming. What's money then? Uncle, uncross your arms. You are afraid; you dare not.

But the wrench had set her free to uncross her legs, and she did so, murmuring her gratitude. In the midst of the merry-making, and while the roundabouts were crowded and going at full speed, the boy in charge of the engine had taken occasion to announce to the lady at the pay-table that his pressure was a hundred-and-forty-seven, and what had taken the safety valve he couldn't think.

Suppose they are crossed below you on a steep slope, lie on the slope, raise the Skis in the air, uncross them, set them parallel across the slope below you, facing the way you want to go, and get up. This fall is sometimes used as a turn and may be very useful, though not considered the best possible form if done intentionally. Never attempt to get up on to Skis facing downhill.

Starr petted him and talked to him and pulled his ears and slapped him on the ribs, and Pat in his joy persisted in trying to lick Starr's cheek. "Quit it! Lay down and be a doormat, then. You've got welcome wrote all over you. And much as I like welcome, I hate to be licked." Pat lay down, and Starr eyed the tan boot toes. They moved impatiently, but they did not uncross.

"Don't let it be a curse to you," she said. And her voice was hoarse with agitation. "What?" Anthony asked. "What's a curse?" "That." Did she know? Had she guessed? Her finger was laid in a line at the bags. Had she smelt the gold? "It will be a curse to you, uncle. Death is coming. What's money then? Uncle, uncross your arms. You are afraid; you dare not.

Your Greataunt Susannah, one of the most modest women of her time, has often told me that once, having unfortunately crossed her knees in the parlour after supper, she suffered untold tortures from "budges" for three mortal hours rather than be seen to do anything so indelicate as to uncross them.

But just then an 'old Johnny' in a gown and long wig, looking awfully like a funny raddled woman, came through a door into the high pew opposite, and he had to uncross his legs hastily, and stand up with everybody else. 'Dartie versus Dartie! It seemed to Val unspeakably disgusting to have one's name called out like this in public!

They go up to fifty thousand feet, just to give their oxygen tanks a chance to conk out on them; then they barge around up there a while. The advanced trainees shoot off a jato at top speed. It's gauged to build them up to the speed they'll give the Platform. And then if they come out of that and get back down to ground safely, they uncross their fingers. A merry life those guys lead!