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Should we win this night, your poor efforts can do little to harm us. Should we lose, there may be few of us left to harm. 'I thank you for your kindly protection, he replied, in the same white, cold, bitter manner, unbuckling his sword as he spoke, and walking slowly up to my companion.

The Nuremberg Honourables had disappeared, but several grooms were unbuckling the knapsacks from the horses and carrying them into the house. The aristocratic travellers were probably cleansing themselves from the dust of the road before they entered the taproom. Kuni thought so, and gazed sometimes into vacancy, sometimes into her own lap.

On the one hand was the spirit of Don Quixote, devoted to chivalry, to heroic ideals, to grandiose romantic folly, but lacking the body of the celebrated hidalgo, that thin, bony apology of a body, careless of material wants, capable of going for twenty nights without unbuckling its breastplate and surviving for twenty-four hours on a handful of rice.

They stood on the Kendals' doorstep, in the dark, under the snow. Snow powdered the flagstone path swept ready for the New Year's party. "Think," she said, "their poor party. It would be awful of us." Roddy rang. As they waited they began to laugh again. Helpless, ruinous, agonising laughter. "Oh oh I can hear Martha coming. Do something. You might be unbuckling my snow-shoes."

"Jack, can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked. "Sure. Come in." Van Riebeek entered, unbuckling his gun belt. He shifted a chair so that he could see the door from it, and laid the belt on the floor at his feet when he sat down. Then he began to curse Leonard Kellogg in four or five languages. "Well, I agree, in principle; why in particular, though?"

I don't reckon there's any show of that snake coming back tonight, but it's as well to be on the safe side." He walked up the slope towards the others, unbuckling his cartridge belt as he went. "Sling on your saddle, honey," he called to his daughter. The girl sprang up from beside Ashton and ran to fetch her own and Genevieve's picketed ponies.

So saying, the determined Jackson coolly dismounted from his horse, and unbuckling the girth, proceeded to deposit the saddle, with the valise attached to it, within the hut the door of which still stood open.

And then what a running to and fro! what a prodigious unbuckling and buckling of straps, while the jovial-faced coachman fanned himself with his hat; and swore jovially at the ostlers, and the ostlers swore back at the coachman, and the guard, and the coach, and the horses, individually and collectively; in the midst of which confusion, down came the window with a bang, and out of the window came a flask, and a hand, and an arm, and, last of all, a great, fat face, round, and mottled, and roaring as it came: "Oho I say damn it! damn everybody's eyes and bones brandy!

On one side the sun shone brightly across the prairie, lighting up its vivid tints of green and brown and yellow, while on the other the whole country wore a wintry aspect. Every instant the wind became stronger and stronger, and the cold increased. Unbuckling our buffalo robes, we put them over our shoulders, drawing down the flaps of our caps to keep our ears warm.

If he were to tie them crossways to the scabbards " He had already thrown off his skin coat and was unwinding his long muslin waistband to tear it into strips to use as a cord. "It is worth the trying, friend Foster-father," said Old Faithful, unbuckling his sword. "Aye!" continued Roy, elated with the idea, "and Tumbu can drag it.